Frightful Friday

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8:00 PM, the hallway.
"How are we going to find our way to the living room?" Lance worried, he and Hunk had been lost in the immense and maze-like blanket fort they'd made for two hours.
"Forget the living room!" Hunk cried, "what about the kitchen?!"
They both stared at one another in silence for a moment then burst out, "daaad!"
From across the castle Shiro heard their screams and turned to Keith, "I need that map."
"One second, I'm not used to working with crayons," Keith groaned, "-and done," he handed the, very colorful, map to Shiro, who began the strange and slightly awkward trek towards Lance and Hunk.
He was about halfway there when he saw Pidge, who was surrounded by various stuffed animals and technology.
"Pidge," Shiro stared at her, "I thought you didn't have stuffed animals."
"I don't," she grinned, "these are my hostages until Lance returns my speakers."
He stared at her for a second, "how are you certain that he took your speakers?"
"My speakers disappear, and the next day Lance is blasting his Spanish pop so loud I can't think. Coincidence?" She pushed her glasses up, "I think not."
"Pidge-" Shiro sighed, about to give her a life lesson, when he heard Hunk sobbing and Lance trying to comfort him. "We'll talk about this later."

"We'll never eat again, and then we'll die." Lance whispered, leaning up against Hunk.
"It all started so well," Hunk sobbed, slumping against the wall.
"Hunk, I gotta tell you something."
"You remember those gourmet cupcakes I ate on Valentine's day at the garrison?"
"The ones from that Baker girl in 225?"
"Yeah. Those were for you, not me. I'm sorry I ate your cupcakes! I've always regretted it!"
"I have something to tell you too-"
At that moment Shiro appeared from around the corner, "there you two are, come on, we're going to watch a movie."
On the way back Lance stared at Hunk.
"What?" Hunk noticed that Lance's curiosity had been piqued.
"What were you gonna say back there?"
"Oh, nothing."
"Look, we thought we were going to die. Besides, your biggest regret was that you ate my cupcakes, two years ago."
"Come on!"
"Come onnnnn!"
"I said no!"
"Lance!" Shiro huffed, "Hunk said no."
"Ugh, fine." Lance lied, he was going to wheedle it out of Hunk eventually.

Thrity minutes later, Shiro and the others finally made it to the living room, where Keith was supposed to be waiting.
Shiro looked around the pillow plastered room, "Keith?"
Giving up completely, Lance flopped down on a pile of blankets. Only to be propelled forward by a swift kick in the bum.
"That's what you get for sitting on me you jerk!" Keith growled, emerging from the blanket pile.
"Ow, I found Keith." Lance sniffeled, hugging Hunk for comfort.
"First, apologize to Lance. Lance, apologize for sitting on him." Shiro sighed, watching Lance and Keith begrudgingly apologize.
"I'm sorry I sat on you, you skinny emo," Lance growled.
"I'm sorry for kicking you in your fat butt," Keith smirked.
Shiro pulled his shirt off and pulled it over the two boys.
"Shiro, WHAT THE CHEESE?!" Lance screeched, reading the label on the shirt.
"It's a punishment." Keith stared wide-eyed at Shiro.
"Yes it is," Shiro smiled, turning towards Pidge, "did you pick a movie?"
"KNIVES!" Pidge smiled, pulling the movie up. Keith perked up at the title.
"Hunk, you have the snacks, right?" Shiro beamed, watching Hunk present five separate bags of candy and four bags of popcorn.
"Perfect, then we're ready to begin," Shiro turned the lights off and Pidge started the movie.
"Can we come out now?" Lance inquired of Shiro.
Lance groaned, and Keith reached across him for some candy.

Ten minutes into the movie, and twelve bodies later, Shiro couldn't help but notice everyone's reactions.
Pidge was entranced, Keith was interested but mentally criticising the antagonist's technique, but Hunk and Lance were just staring wide-eyed at the screen.

An hour later at the climax:
Keith squeaked and whispered, "Lance, let go, you're hurting me."
"S-sorry," Lance whispered, releasing his grasp on Keith's arm.
"Are you scared?"
"What? No, don't be ridiculous."
Keith gave Lance a skeptical look, to receive a sheepish one.
"Liars don't get candy."
"Fine, yes."
Keith thought for a minute, "you can squeeze my arm if you get scared."
Shiro remembered when he'd said that to a young Keith.
"Thank you."

At the end of the movie everybody screamed. EVERYBODY.
Shiro flipped the lights on and found Keith completely shocked and speechless, Lance rocking back and forth, Hunk trying to hide behind Pidge, and Pidge aghast and paler than usual. "Are you guys ok?"
They all shook their heads no.
"Okie-dokie, time for bed."
Shiro escorted them all to bed and tucked them in.

Some time around midnight:
Shiro was woken up by someone climbing into his bed. He reacted faster than lightning. The purple glow of his hand illuminating Keith's face.
"Put that thing away before you kill someone."
"Did you have a nightmare?" Shiro yawned, running his fingers through his hair and looking at his clock.
"Yeah, scoot over."
Keith fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow and Shiro soon followed.

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