Sleepy Saturday

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Shiro woke up at 2:30 AM because it was too warm in his room. His drowsy and happy mind stumbled trying to figure out what was happening, it had to be at least ninety degrees, but his room never hit above seventy.
"Wait a second," he whispered, feeling his waist and the two pairs of arns tightly wrapped around it. He looked around, everybody was in his bed.
"Daddyyyy," Lance groaned quietly.
"Father, it's fine," Pidge yawned.
"But guys-" Shiro started, but was stopped by Keith's hand being placed over his mouth.
"Go back to bed, Shiro." Keith moaned, sleepily burying his face further into Shiro's pillow.
"Ok...?" Shiro fell silent and fell back to sleep thirty minutes later.

6:00 AM:
"Double bubble disco queen headed to the guillotine," blasted as Shiro's alarm went off.
Lance groaned, Hunk rolled off the bed, Pidge snickered, and Keith smiled.
Shiro laughed, "Keith, did you change my alarm again?"
"I improved it."
"What kind of strange emo junk is this?" Lance moaned.
Keith's hand searched for something in Lance's direction.
"Keith, that's my face," Lance muttered.
"Good." Keith angrily, and sleepily, squished Lance's face.
"Keith, stop squishing Lance's face. I need to get up," Shiro sighed, sitting up and breaking everybody's tight grasp.
"Ok dad, have funnnnnn." They all yawned, as he flipped the lights off on his way out.
He tripped when he stepped out of the door. "Right, pillow fort. First things first, pick up the pillows and blankets."
He picked up every single piece of bedding and stacked it in the living room. To top it off, afterwards, he completed his usual regime.

When he came back, the team had fallen back asleep on his bed, causing him to smile. He could get away with letting them sleep, at least for another hour or two.

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