Monday Night

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At around 10:00 PM Shiro finally got to sit down, Allura had him running around the castle all day, plus he had to send off their Galran guests without her noticing.
"Daddy!" Lance cried from down the hallway.
Shiro sighed and went to see what the problem was. "Lance, what could possibly have gone wrong within five minutes?"
"Can you help me fold this sheet?" Lance chirped, handing Shiro a fitted sheet.
Shiro instructed Lance on how to fold a fitted sheet. "Do you get it?"
"Yesss..." Lance whispered suspiciously.
"Good, if anyone asks for me, tell them I'm going to bed."
"Wait!" Lance gasped, "Halloween is coming soon, can we celebrate it?"
"Ask the others, and then we'll talk about it together, ok?" Shiro smiled softly.
Lance sighed, "Ok goodnight."

But sleep never came. At 10:15, Shiro was in the elevator up to his room, slumped against the wall in exhaustion. 
Suddenly the elevator stopped, snapping him awake as the doors slid open revealing Hunk, who was frantically pressing the button, Keith who slid his hands into the opening door and forced it open the rest of the way, and Pidge who ran under Keith's arms in a panic.
"CLOSE THE DOOR!" Pidge yelled, yanking Keith and Hunk into the elavator.
"Mmm," Shiro groaned, "what's going on?" He threw a confused look at Keith who had goggles on his head and scorch marks around his eyes. Shiro took a whiff of the air, Hunk smelled of sulfur, and Pidge was sitting on the floor ruffling her hair to remove a fine silver powder. 
"Uhhhh," Keith awkwardly looked to Hunk then Pidge.
Hunk stared at his toes, "we might have-"
"We blew up the quiznaking kitchen," Pidge spit out some blood and smiled up at Shiro, "also, we made gunpowder for the next espionage mission."
Shiro kneeled next to Pidge, "are you ok? Did anyone other than you get hurt?"
"Nah, I'm fine," she stated, picking her broken tooth up off the ground. She carefully inspected the tooth, "I was wondering when I was gonna lose that."
Shiro buried his face in his hands, "We'll take care of it in the morning, at least nobody got seriously injured."
Hunk looked surprised, "you're not mad?"
"I'm too tired to be mad," he yawned.
"I blew up the kitchen," Keith whispered, "how could I even begin to fix this?"
"It'll be a team project, we'll do this together. In the morning though." Shiro sighed, guiding them through the door and down the dormitory hall. "Go to bed, sleep well, we have a long day ahead of us."
"Ok, goodnight," Hunk smiled.
"Goodnight dad," Keith whispered.
"I should make a fake tooth and pop it in to freak Lance out," Pidge smirked.
"That's nice Pidge, sleep well," Shiro moaned, rubbing his eyes.

Sorry about the short chapter and the long wait! I've been busy with school and life. Good news is, it's all starting to slow down so that means more updates, yay!  
Is anybody else super excited about what season 5 will bring? I want to find some way to incorporate the lost brother into these stories, but I'm not sure how. If you have any ideas that'd be great. If not, I'll figure it out eventually. Thanks for sticking with me in the story so far, you guys rock!

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