Chapter 5

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Earlier that day...

The first day of class was full of excitment and buzzing as many students were happy to return and see their friends. But that wasn't the case for Regulus Black.

Usually he would be glad to be at Hogwarts too,but that year was different. Since the very begining he had felt a bit uneasy. Tense.

Before his arrival he had been told by his parents to expect a letter from his cousin with instructions or something like that. His parents didn't really know the details.

"Regulus!" he heard one of the other Slytherins call out. The boy rolled his eyes in irritation eventhough he had no clue who excatly the person was. All he knew was that he was at the edge of his calm ready to hex someone.

The boy turned around only to see Everette Nott trying to catch up with him along with Evan Rosier. Evan not in much of a hurry as usual.

"What?" Regulus asked sharper than he intended.

Everett gave him a quick questioning look before covering it up. "We thought you'd like to join in the fun. A few of us are heading towards the Black lake. Apparently some mudd-blood challenged Bartemius Crouch to a duel."

As usual Everette knew excatly what Regulus needed in a time like that. And so they all headed to the lake.

The fight didn't last all that long as Crouch was quite a skilled dueler and the mudd-blood was younger and a bit too cocky.

As they threw spells at one another a crowd gathered around them. On one side the Slytherin house on the other friends of the mudd-blood, who probably ended up going to the hospital wing. Crouch wasn't excatly known for his soft side and kindness.

After it ended Regulus didn't feel all that better and to say the least his mood did brighten up but he still needed time alone.

That's why after the fight he went down a few abandoned corridors. He turned another corner only to see an enormous wooden door.

It was odd for the boy to see an unkown place for he had been around the castle hundreds of times, remembering every spot and corner, but never before had he seen this.

Regulus catiously touched the doorknob too curious to let it go. He slowly opened the giant door not knowing what excatly awaited him on the other side.

The room behind the door was unlike any room he had ever seen. It was all filled up with everything you could imagine. There were some chairs and brooms on his left and books and a bucket on his right.

"What is this place?"

Regulus suddenly heard light music coming from another end of the room. The song was very upbeat and unfomiliar for the boy as he had only heard wizarding music.

"Hello," he asked," is anybody here?" There was a small noise as he followed the sound.

He walked down the free space and turned right at the crossroad only to come upon an old wooden table with patterns at its' sides.

There was some kind of a muggle box invention on the table letting out music and next to it were some books. One book in particular stood out. The binding was made out of leather and on it was written P.U.R.E.

Regulus glanced around to make sure no one was there, sat down and opened the book.

The writting in the book was ubelievingly neat and precise but what was more interesting was the story itself.


Constance was holding a hand over her lips trying to conceal her loud breathing. For some reason her heart was beating so fast and loud it almost made no sence to cover her breathing as she was sure the person, who cam, could hear her.

 When the door jad opened the girl reacted instantly. Without a second thought she quickly ran away from the table, leaving the radio on, and hid in the first place she could find. That being a warderobe.

After some time of just holding her eyes tightly shut and hopping it would all pass, something changed.  She became curious.

There were some steps coming near before but it all stopped and since then an occasional rustle.

Constance slowly drifted lower in the warderobe so she could look through one of the holes in it.

What she saw was quite unexpected. Someone, probably a boy judging by the posture, was sitting behind the table with a quill in hand and writting something in her book. The only thing she could decipher was the boys dark curly hair.

"What in Merlin's beared?" she mouthed.

*****(Later on in the afternoon)*****

Somewhere in between her observing Constance mustb have fallen asleep for she had woken up only after a door closed making a slight noise.

The Hufflepuff quickly looked through one of the holes and saw the boy had dissapeared. Carefully she stood up not making too much noise and opened the warderobe. Since the air seemed to be clear she neared the table, where she had left her storybook.

Her fingers lightly ran over the leather before opening the book to see what the person had done. To the girl's surprise her writting was left untouched but when she came to the end of the story she was left with an open mouth.

On the blank page she had left was now a beautiful drawing of roses on astone grave with the name of her character and under the drawing was a question.

Who are you?

Constance looked amazed at the details of it all and grabbed her quill writting a reply.

Someone who loves to write. You?

By the way thank you for the lovely drawing.



Thanks for reading. I must thank all of you for voting in the last update but at the moment there is a tie between the first cover and the second so for now I'll be changing it once a week or once two weeks until it's decided.

Thanks again and see you soon.:)

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