34 | arabesque

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a r a b e s q u e

The gesture leg is extended behind the dancer's body at 90° or higher, which requires hip and spine hyperextension, knee extension, and ankle-foot plantar flexion.

Tragedies change people. Some might change for a long period of time, others might change for just a bit. By the looks of things, Rosen seemed to be having long-term changes happening to his personality.

Since Rosen is clearly not himself right now, Faith's funeral has been postponed for a while. My mom understood that Rosen isn't in the right mindset to have his mother's funeral so soon so she paid the morgue and Faith's body was frozen in order to preserve it until the funeral. Otherwise her body would start decomposing and she wouldn't look nice in a casket.

As far as I know the funeral should happen within a week or two. Mom doesn't really talk about the funeral, but I know she's organizing it slowly. She's just so busy with work and everything that she doesn't have time to organize a funeral within a day or two.

Deep down I'm hoping that once Faith is buried, Rosen will stop acting the way he's acting now and turn back normal. Right now he has completely lost his mind. I don't even know what's going on with him and he doesn't want to tell me either.

Rosen has always been the type of guy who doesn't like to drink or party-at least that's what I was told by Saskia and Imogen when I moved here. Maybe they meant that Rosen used to party but doesn't party anymore, because on a random Wednesday evening I get a phone call from Saskia, saying that Rosen is super intoxicated and I need to come to Everett's party before something crazy happens.

Although my mom is currently home and she doesn't like me leaving the house at a super late time, I convinced her that Rosen needs help and I need to make sure that he's fine. Once I mentioned Rosen's name and how he's in trouble, mom immediately let me go and see what's happening.

When I pull up in front of Everett's house I see why Saskia really wanted me to come here. The party is completely out of hand. I see people running on the streets, empty alcohol bottles everywhere and people smoking outside. The front door is open and music is playing really loudly, the chatter of people completely drowning. People are dancing, some are just sitting and talking, some are playing beer pong. Others are classily sipping wine from wine glasses.

When I notice Saskia by the door a sigh of relief escapes past my lips. Thank God I don't have to spend another 30 minutes looking for her. She appears to be more on the sober side, which is surprising considering the fact that when Saskia goes to parties, she drinks like an animal and somehow manages to avoid a hangover the next day. I'm pretty sure her liver is immune to alcohol at this point because no regular teenage girl can handle this much alcohol, unless they've been drinking religiously for like 5 years at least.

"Come with me, you have to see this," Saskia tells me immediately as she starts pulling me along with her through the crowds of people. I smile and wave at some strangers who say hi to me and try to ignore them as much as possible. I'm not really in the mood to listen to drunk teenagers telling me random crap.

We finally find Rosen in the back yard, talking with some people and playing Spin the Bottle with a bunch of girls and boys. We don't go up to him immediately, we just watch him from a far for a bit, trying to understand what he's doing. When it's Rosen's turn to spin, he pulls a piece of paper out of the tiny white bowl on the table to see what he has to do.

Unraveling Rosen | ✓Where stories live. Discover now