38 | tendu

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t e n d u

A "stretched" action of the gesturing limb from a stance position with flat foot to a pointed foot, with the toes keeping contact with the floor.

The whole living situation in New York was starting to get even more frustrating. There weren't any good apartments left, that would fit two people so we had to choose an apartment that was a lot bigger than we wanted.

We also decided to live with Sven and Saskia, since they could help us with the rent and that way we'd have some friends. The apartment we decided on was situated in Brooklyn so it wasn't super far from our universities. Of course Juilliard was the farthest from our apartment but that's totally fine.

Saskia wasn't really pleased with the apartment situation, since it wasn't a penthouse located somewhere like Hell's Kitchen, but she just has to suck it up. Sven was glad that the amount he'd have to pay was less than his current rent so he wasn't whining at all. He was just excited to be living with us.

Rosen and I were just as excited to be living with him.

Speaking of Rosen, who's oh-so wonderful if you still haven't figured that out, he's still living with us. I totally don't have anything against that. It's lovely that I get to see him whenever I want to and when he's dealing with something he has to talk to me, rather than hiding in his apartment and ignoring me.

That has made us two a lot closer. I feel like him living here is making our relationship stronger and stronger. We may be together most of the time but he still understands when I need time to myself and won't get whiny when I lock myself in my room and push him away–that's my way of recharging after continuously being with people.

Since both Rosen and I have a lot of free time today I have a plan set out for us. The plan is simple: since I'm still a bit afraid of cars–because of the accident my father was in–I will ask Rosen to help me overcome that fear. I'm not really sure how that's going to work but we'll see.

After that I've booked the dance studio for us again and we're gonna go dance. We haven't really danced in a while, mostly because so much is happening with school, prom, graduation, moving and the whole university situation. It still hasn't occurred to me that I'm leaving for university, that is super frightening in my opinion.

What if I won't manage on my own? Well, technically I won't be on my own but you know what I mean. Sometimes a girl needs her mother and I'm not sure if I can properly cope without my mother being next to me. It's already difficult because of her job and now there's also the distance. Luckily there isn't a time difference or that would've made things a lot worse.

My eyes flicker to the clock on top of my desk and I notice it's past noon already. Rosen didn't sleep in my room last night so I have no idea whether he's awake or not. Throwing my legs off the edge of the bed, I stand up, rub my eyes and head for the door, yawning in the process.

I don't hear Rosen snoring in his room, or making any noise to be honest, so I just push the door open without knocking. Usually I don't barge into someone's room just like that but for some reason I completely forgot to know.

When I enter the door I realize I definitely should've knocked.

Rosen is laying in his bed, the blanket covering the lower half of his body. His hands are at weird angles next to his upper body, his eyes closed. His light brown hair is falling onto his face, giving him such an innocent look. My eyes trail down to his body–which is completely bare by the way–and I notice how his chest is slowly heaving up and down as he breathes. Unable to control myself my eyes trail even more down and I feel my mouth getting dry at the sight of him. A small patch of hair travels from his belly button to his sweatpants, disappearing underneath the waistband.

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