Chapter: 1

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Katy's POV

Crawford and I are walking back to his house from school. Everyday is a long day. We are always waiting for the end of day. Crawford and I surprisingly have every class together, I wonder how that happened. In each class both of us always have our eyes on the clock, not even paying attention to anything any of our teachers say. When I say Crawford and I do everything together, I'm not really exaggerating one bit. Anything I do he tags along, and anything he does I tag along. We always walk to school together. Walk to each class together, eat lunch together, get detentions together. There isn't one thing he has done that I haven't been there for and same with me, he has always been there. We even go on vacation together. It's amazing how much time we spend together but we never grow old of each other. Some people think because I spend a lot of time with Crawford, that I also spend a lot of time with Chris, but that's no necissarily true. To be completely honest I don't hang out with Chris that often, just Crawford. Thinking about this I feel really bad, like I have been taking his brother away from him. The more time Crawford spend with me, the less time he spends with Chris. The more I thought this through the more I thought I should let Crawford hang with his brother. The only problem is we always hang out and I don't think there has been time we haven't. I didnt want to just tag along with them. Me and Crawford are nearly inseparable. I wonder what a day without him would be like.

When Crawford and I reached his house, we walked inside saying hi to Chris and just hanging out, it being a normal day. But for some reason Chris would glance over at me ever once and a while. I felt really awkward. I excused my self and let them hang out and do brotherly things, while I just roamed around the place thinking of things to do. I actually had nothing to do, neither of their sisters was here, I had no one to hang out with. Well I guess all I have to do is go back to the guys and see what their doing. Before I went back to them, I grabbed a bottle water.

"Hey guys whatcha doin" I asked while walking in the room.

"Nothing, Chris is going to make a YouTube video." Crawford said

"Oh okay, cool are you going to be in it"

"Probably not"

"Oh well cool I guess." I don't know why but it seemed like every time I hung out with Crawford and Chris was around, every thing went all awkward. I hated that but for some reason I just didn't know what to say or do when I was around them, and I felt like a third wheel.

"Well I guess I'll go then" I said grabbing my things and heading out the door. Before I could completely leave Crawford grabbed my wrist turning me back around.

"You don't have to leave, you could be in Chris' new video"

"I uh would rather not"

"Please" Chris said out of where

"Why me" I asked. I really didn't want to be in a video.

"I already have an idea for the video and I can't do it with Crawf or my sisters."

"Fine" I said putting my stuff back down where it was and standing next to Chris.

"What do I do"

"Well were doing the girlfriend tag"

"I'm not even your girlfriend"

"You don't have to be, you will ask the questions and I will answer and see if I'm a good 'boyfriend' " Chris explained to me what was going to happen.

"Okay" I agreed.

Chris started the video and Crawford just sat on the bed watching us, occasionally on his phone.

"Hey guys, today I have with me Is Katy, my lovely girlfriend" he said putting his arm around me.

I smiled and waved.

"Just kidding guys, she's Crawford's girlfriend"

"Am not" I protested.

"And today we will be doing the girlfriend/boyfriend tag, Katy will ask me questions and I have to answer them and see if I'm a good boyfriend, okay let's get started."

"Alright" I held my phone in my hand looking at the questions I had to ask him about myself. I don't think he'll do that great. We can only wait and see.

"She's in front of the tv what show is on the screen?"

"Uh..what's that show called...I know it, but not the name"

"You have to know the name"

"Crawford, help me out"

"Sorry bro, your own your own"

I laughed to myself.

"Do you give up"

"No. It's uh..I know it's that show where that guy turns into a wolf"

"Yeah,whats it called"

"Can I get like half a point"

"Fine. It's Teen Wolf. Half a point for Chris."

"Next question, where out to eat, what type of dressing does she get on her salad"

"What kind of questions are these" he laughed

"Just answer the question."

"How am I supposed to know what dressing you use."

"I don't know, guess"


"Nope, Italian"

"What's one food she doesn't like"

"Easy, seafood, you hate seafood"

"Yep. So now your at 1.5 points, wow Chris your doing great"

I continued with the next question, which was "you go out to eat what drink does she order"


"Correct" "What shoe size does she where"

"Uh" Chris looked down at my feet "7?" He guessed. I was actually surprised he got that.

"Yeah, that's right."

We went on back and forth for while until we finished all the questions. Chris knew me pretty well actually I was surprised. He did better then I thought he would. I also had a fun time, I didn't think making videos was all that fun, just for talking to a camera, but it wasn't that bad. I actually wouldn't mind doing another video again if I had too.

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