Chapter: 2

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Katy's POV

After Chris and I had made the video, Crawford had to take me home. My mom and dad wanted me back pronto. I wonder what the big deal was, they never had a problem with me staying at Chris and Crawford's house ever. They didn't have a problem with them either or their parents or sisters. We were all actually really good friends. Crawford seemed just as confused as I did when my mom called saying she wanted me home. It was only about 4 in the afternoon, and they usually don't expect me back until around 6 or 7. This was all completely different for me, my parents hardly ever get mad. At that I'm not even sure if she's mad or if there is an emergency. Lots of things to worry about and I don't want to worry. I will just hope for the best and see how everything will turn out. A short drive later, we reached my house. I got out if his car, said bye, and took a deep breath hoping for the best, but it mostly being the worst possible thing that could happen. That's just how life works, it's cruel and unusual punishment, so unfair. I walked into my house and saw my math teacher sitting at the table with my mom and dad. Fuck. I'm in deep shit.
I tried to sneakly sneak upstairs without my parents seeing me. That didn't work as planned.

"Katy Rose Parker, get your ass over here now" my father said.

I quickly got down the first step, walking over to the kitchen table with my head down. When I reached the table I tried to give the best innocent look I could to ease whatever punishment I was going to get when this is over.

"Katy as you know you are one of best students" my math teacher Ms. Mendes said to me

"Uh yes"

"But your lack of effort and skipping class-"

"Skipping class?" my mother cut of Ms. Mendes

"Yes, skipping class, has brought her grade down a lot and I'm afraid you won't be able to pass my class and graduate"

"What?" I asked shocked. "But math comes so easy to me and I pass every major test, pop quiz, and exam you have ever given me, that should give me a passing grade, right?"

"You have to also pass all extra assignments I give you. Even with you passing all the tests I give you still need more grades to keep up your high average."

I sighed.

"You were such a good student what happened Katy" Ms. Mendes asked me

"What do you mean" I didn't know what she meant I still am a good a student. I haven't changed or anything.

"You used to be so dedicated to your school work and made sure you passed but now you are slacking off a lot more, and I think it might be because of that boy Crawford you always have around"

"Crawford? What, no, your kidding right. Why are you blaming Crawford, he didn't do anything. None of this is his fault."

Ms. Mendes explained to me one more time that if I didnt pull up my grade and fast, that I won't be able to graduate, and she left.

I turned to my parents and they gave me a glare saying 'your better then this, what were you thinking, you are in a lot of trouble missy'. I went and sat on the couch, waiting for whatever punishment I might have. I was ready to give them all my electronics, or all the chores for however long I had to. I was completely ready for anything that she had planned to do to me. My mom talked it through with my dad in the other room. They came out of their room and told me my punishment.

"Okay, so your father and I talked this through and we think this the solution and it's only to help you.

Uhm alright.

"Okay so you will be without your phone and all of your other electronics until you bring your grade up" my dad said, and being the prepared one I am I already had given him all of my electronics.

I knew it they never say anything else.

"And also, you can't hang out with Crawford anymore" my mom said.

I wasn't expecting that.

"But mom that's not fair"

"Well it seems like he is distracting you from your school work"

"He's not, mom were just friends"

"Sure, whatever, Katy that's my final decision, you can not hang out with Crawford anymore"


"No buts go to your room"

I stomped up the the stairs to my room saying that this was totally unfair. My parents are being so unfair right now. I don't understand why they are blaming Crawford for all this. He did nothing. That's unfair to him. Apparently my parents think torturing their child is fun or something, because that's all they are doing. Now trying to figure out what to do since I have no electronics, I have no life.

How was I going to explain this to Crawford? 'oh hey Crawford yeah my parents think your a bad influence on me, so we can't hang out anymore.'
No that's a terrible thing to do to a person. I could never tell him that, and I never thought I would ever have to. I've always imagined us being friends till the very end. This will absolutely ruin mine and Crawford's friendship, and really my whole life since him and Chris are the people I have there for me. My parents aren't really there for me and they know that all I have is Chris and Crawford, yet they are still pulling me away from them. I wasn't going to let that happen, so I just decided on not telling him about what my parents said, or what Ms. Mendes said. Hopefully everything will work how I want it to and he'll never find out about my parents or Ms. Mendes, or anything that could ruin our friendship.

Till I Die (Chris and Crawford Collins)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin