Chapter: 14

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Katy's POV

"Zoey?" I questioned, trying to come up with names for my newly received puppy.

"Okay, I like that" Crawf said.

"Okay so her full name will be, Zoey Marie Parker-Collins"

"Katy your naming a dog, not a child"

"Shut up"

He put up his hands in defence.

I was just to happy I finally got a puppy, I've been wanting one forever. My parents would never let me get one.

Crawford and I probably spent almost an hour trying to name the dog, but we finally decided on a name.

My parents where still doing whatever and Crawf was still at my house just hanging out. I have yet to check the text from Chris. I'm just enjoying the time here with Crawf I don't want nothing to ruin it.

I was just laying on the floor, playing with Zoey. Occasionally bugging Crawf, that I'm bored. Crawford was laying on my bed, just on his phone doing nothing.

I heard my phone ring, but I was too lazy to get it. It was on my bedside table.

"Crawf can you get that"

"Yeah sure"

"Katy, again I'm really sorry! Please answer me, we can make this work" he read out.

I was confused, but soon it hit me...Chris.

I took a glance at Crawf, and saw that his expression wasn't exactly happy. I knew it was a stupid question, but I don't know what else to stay.

"What's wrong" I asked

"Really Katy? what's this thing with Chris..what can y'all make work"

"Crawf it's nothing okay, I'm just not talking to him right now, I'm still mad at him for being a total douche to me"

"Well it doesn't seem that way"

"I haven't talked to him all day, you would've known you've been here the whole time."


"I can't believe you don't believe me, go ask Chris"

I instantly regretted saying that. I just brought Chris into this more. And it probably didn't help my case at all. I just can't believe that Crawford doesn't trust me. He has for the longest time, I don't know what changed. Through all of this I was trying to be calm and not start anything, but Crawford just kept asking questions, and didn't believe a word I was saying. I was so feed up at this point. I just decided I was going to ignore him, until he apologized.


Hours later I was just sitting on my bed, still ignoring Crawf. I'm pretty sure he got the hint, I wasn't talking to him. But now he's trying to get me to talk.

"Please Katy" he said once again.

He was down on his knees, begging. It was pretty funny, but I had to keep in the urge to laugh, and stay serious.

I turned the other way ignoring him, I guess it's just a game now, I don't know how long I'll be able to hold.

A few short seconds later he was at the other side on my bed. He gave me pleading puppy dog eyes.

"You know I hate you right"

"Aw that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me"

"It's the only thing I've ever said to you" I told him laughing.

I thought that bringing anything Chris related up was not going to happen, but that's exactly the first thing he brought up.

I didn't say anything, just sat there petting Zoey. I didn't think I'd had to say anything. It was a stupid question to begin with, and out of everyone Crawford should and would know that.

"Think about that question" was all I said, it was all that I needed to say.

I left him in my room to think about it and went downstairs, and got a snack and something to drink. I sat on the couch, turned on the tv and went scrolling through my phone and checked my messages.

I read all these sorry texts from Chris all written in different ways, but all meaning the same thing, 'I'm sorry'.

I knew for a fact that Crawf would be in my room for a while, so I just left. Not heading to anywhere specific. Just a drive to get my mind off things I guess.

I went to the store my parents would most likely be at. When I got there I saw someone I knew...let's just say they weren't my parents.


A/N: Yay back from vacation...sort of. On the drive back. But I hope you enjoy this chapter.. I know it sucks, I have to get back into the writing zone, I haven't been writing for like A week or so. And the wifi sucked at the resort I was staying at.. So yeahh.

Please vote and comment! Enjoy this while I will try and enjoy the 11 hours I have left driving back.

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