Chapter: 9

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Crawford's POV

Chris and I left Katy's house after she told us that she couldn't choose between us. I never expected her to choose, but I also didn't expect her to have feelings for Chris. And I also didn't expect Chris to have feelings for Katy, since he knows I like her and he's known that for a while now. I can't help but feel like he's trying to get Katy even though he knows I like her. Brothers don't do that, and Chris is the type of person to either. Everything right now is so messed up. I should just give it some time and maybe everything will pass.

Katy's POV

Once the guys left I took that as my opportunity to read the note over again and read what Chris had wrote. I didn't read that out loud because it looked it wasn't even supposed to be on the paper to begin with. Crawford must have gave it to him to give to me and he wrote something.

I kept reading what Crawford had wrote, and then what Chris had wrote. I kept going back and forth. With the short amount of space Chris had to write, he should did make it meaningful. I honestly couldn't believe what he wrote, it just seems like everything had taken a turn for the worse. My life is had taken a turn for the worse. If I did what Crawford said and get out of his life I would be miserable, and I can't stay mad at him forever. If Chris did what he wrote, nothing would be the same. I just hope he wouldn't do that to me, knowing how much I care. Nothing is or will ever be the same, and I can't live a life like that.

P.s. Katy I know you have feelings for me and Crawford and we both have feelings for you. I don't expect and would never want you to choose between us. It's tearing us apart. It's best for both of us if we just moved on from each other, stay out of each other's life's. I guess it's best to tell you now I'm moving to California. Know that I'll always love you, no matter what, till I die.


This just kept replaying in my head, it never left. I could never let Chris do that. I wouldn't do it to Crawford, he's not doing it to me. I won't let him. Neither one of these guys are leaving me life and I'm not leaving there's. We can work this out. This won't last forever. It will have to eventually pass over. I really hope it's soon.

Whatever it takes I'll do to stop Chris from moving.

Now that I think of it, he never said when he was moving. What if he is leaving today? I have to make sure he isn't.

I got in the car and drove to Chris and Crawf's house, and ran inside. I saw they were both there and I suddenly felt really awkward.

"Uh hey guys" I said with a little wave

"Hey" Crawf said just about as awkward as me and Chris just gave me 'the i know why you are here' look.

I just stared back at Chris giving him the 'what the fuck is wrong with you, you dumb ass'.

"Crawford if you don't mind, I need to talk to Chris alone" I said grabbing Chris from the couch and dragging him to his room.

Once I closed and locked the door, I looked over at Chris.

"I'm sorry" was the first thing he said.

"But why"

"It's best for both of us"

"Only you think that! does Crawford even know....probably not, and your just going to leave him, your mom, dad, sisters, just because of me. That's the stupidest thing ever. Chris your better then this."

"There's no other choice Katy. And if I leave I'm making your life easier, you won't have to choose, and I won't be in your way."

"There are so many other, better choices, you just have your mind set on leaving me and all you family. And plus who even said I was going to choose, and if I was which I'm not what if I was going to choose you. Chris all your thinking about is yourself and how you think things will happen, when in reality that's not how it will play out."

"Katy, I have my mind set, I'm moving you can't stop me"

"Can't i?"

"This is what's best, no matter how much you think you care, you will always love Crawford and he will always you, I'm just in the way"

"Your not in the way, and you said you loved me too, you'll always love, and I'll always love you too Chris, you can't leave"

"So your picking me over your best friend who cares so much and has always loved you"

"I told you I'm not picking! and I'm not letting you leave!"

Chris just leaned down and kissed me.

"I have to"

"Your. Not. Fucking. Leaving. Chris listen to me for once. I'm right this time."

"I-" I cut him off

"Alright let's see how this will play out then" I grabbed his wrist dragging him back out to the living room where Crawford was.

"Crawf, what would you do if Chris left without telling, you and he just sort of disappeared from our lives?"

"I'd be miserable, I can't live without my brother, sure he gets on my nerves sometimes but he's always there when I need him-"

"Seeee Chris my point, do I really have to go to your parents now"

"Wait Chris was seriously thinking about just leaving" Crawf asked confused

"Yes he was leaving, because he thinks it's best for us. He thinks he's just in the way of me and you. Tell him he's not"



He just chuckled

"This isn't funny"

"Your not in the way of me and Katy and we both need you in our lives, it wouldn't be the same with out Chris." Crawford said.

I couldn't help but smile this was such a sweet family moment I'm witnessing. But my joy was almost completely crushed when I realised Chris still hasn't said if he changed his mind or not.

"See Chris, you'll just make our lives worse if you leave so please don't, what do you say, will you stay...for us...please"

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