Chapter: 17

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Authors note at the end of the chapter! Please read!

Katy's POV

Today has pretty much been a shitty day. From the encounter with Kayden, and then to see Chris and Crawford going at each other's throats. What has even happened in life. It just seems like everything is going the wrong way.

Before I could even say anything, or really even process what was going on Chris was out of sight. I didn't know where he was going, I just hope that he will be okay. I really wanted to know why he left and where he went. I wasn't mad at them just confused and very shocked, I just wanted answers. Even if I was mad, I couldn't stay mad at them for long.

When I was completely out of my daze, I freaked out.

"Crawf are you okay"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"You look terrible" I laughed slightly "nothing's broken right"

"No Katy, I'm fine, you don't have to worry"

"Yeah I do! and if your fine we have to go find Chris"

"He'll be fine"

I really didn't want to argue right now, but Crawford just has to keep talking back. I left him there, standing in my living room, while I started walking out the door.

Crawf grabbed my hand and pulled me back "where are you going"

I pulled my arm back "to find Chris! if your coming then come if not leave me alone"

"He left"

I stopped in my tracks. Did I just hear Crawford correctly? did he just say that Chris left? left where? I couldn't believe that, I didn't want to!

"Where" I could barely get it audible. He promised he wouldn't leave. I could feel myself choking up. Why would Chris do that? I sat on my couch, head in my hands. I just don't understand. I tried to call Chris. Emphasis on tried. He never answered any calls or texts.

I feel like this is all my fault. Chris should still be here, not wherever he is now.

Crawford's POV

I don't really understand why Katy wants to find Chris so bad. I get she cares, but he literally just fought me. How is she not mad at us? I couldn't really stand how much she wanted to find Chris, so I just made up that he left. I don't actually know where he is, and I don't care where he is. He is better off far away from me and Katy anyway.

I instantly felt terrible when Katy broke down. I didn't mean to make her feel bad or more worried. I pulled her into my arms, trying to calm her down and tell her that everything was going to be okay.

"Katy, you shouldn't worry about it and just live your life"

I heard her sniffle a little. "Yeah, your right" she pulled away from me and whipped her tears.

"Chris knows what he is doing, I shouldn't worry" she was now talking out loud. "But you know it still does hurt he didn't tell us, and just left like this"

"Yeah, I know but I'm sure there's a good reason." I told her.

Chris' POV

I couldn't stand the thought of what Katy might be thinking. I most likely ruined everything. She obviously likes Crawford more, since she agreed to go out with him. There was no need for me to get in the way more then I already have. Katy probably wants nothing to do with me.

I left her house, I wanted to get far away. I didn't want to hurt any one anymore.

I ran to my house, to my room. I went and found plane tickets I have saved from the last time I thought about moving.

She will be better off without me.

It was the only thing going through my mind. The only thing keeping me from going back.

I guess this is my new life now.


A/N: okay omg! Last chapter! :( I hope you all really enjoyed this story. And hope you enjoyed this chapter. I really loved writing this story and I am super excited y'all loved it as much as I did.

It seemed like ALL of y'all really wanted a sequel, so that's what I'll be working on over the summer.

Id really like to say thanks to all of you who read this book. It really means a lot. I'm very grateful.

The sequel will be called:

Forever and Always (sequel to Till I Die (Chris and Crawford Collins)

So stay tuned for when I post that!

Comment below what you want to see happen in the sequel!

I'll try to use some of y'all's ideas, so I know what y'all would like to read and see out of the story.

Thank you xx

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