Chapter: 11

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Katy's POV

Me being me, I'm probably over exaggerating about the whole thing, but in my defence I've never been in a situation like this and I don't know how to respond to it.

I guess I shouldn't worry to much about it, but my mind tells me different and that's all I ever end up thinking about......Chris. Maybe is Chris left that would have been best.... Who am I kidding, I know nothing. All I need is Crawford. Well that's what people say, in situations like these you go to best friend. It just so happens that my best friend is reason this started.

I suddenly got an idea. My parents maybe they might know. Whoever they think is better is for me. I know I said I wouldn't choose, but maybe this is best. Maybe I just need to decide to get my mind off the other. Crawford has always been there he's my best friend. Friendship comes first in a relationship. Chris on the other hand, he's completely different from ever guy. He's better in every way, ever aspect of him comes off positive he's just always happy and I love that about him. Then there is this other side to him that I feel like he only shows me. I also like that part it's different from the regular Chris, more mysterious, and I love mysterys. The problem is do I go with Crawford, my everything since day one, or Chris, his brother who I'm really just not sure of. Some things about Chris I just don't understand.

I made my way downstairs to see both my parents on the couch. I took a deep breathe a took a seat in front of them.

"Mom, dad I have a question"

"Okay, what is it" my mom asked.

"Chris or Crawford"

"Chris or Crawford what" my dad said confused.

"Like who would you rather me be with"

They both thought for a second.



I looked at them, they were useless. Not even my parents could help me decided. Crawford told me to go to Chris. Chris told me to go with Crawford. My parents are split and now arguing on why either Chris or Crawf is better. I just sat a listened.

"Well Katy and Crawford have been friends forever, I trust him more then I would Chris" my dad said

Well then. Chris isn't a bad guy. It made me feel bad for Chris that my dad thought that way about him.

"Chris is the most sweetest and nicest guys you will ever meet, I believe that Chris will treat her how she is supposed to be treated when In a relationship and not just causal, like friends. Chris would treat her like a princess she deserve that."

I agreed with my mom about Chris at the very beginning. She lost me her she started fairy tell dreaming my life.

"Life isn't a fairy tell, Marisa, you don't want her feel like she has it all and everything's perfect, just to have it all crushed."

Once again my dad had a point until he started indirecting Chris as a bad guy again. I can't believe my parents at the moment.

I'm guessing they forgot I was here, because they kept arguing and saying things about Chris and Crawford and me some of the times.

After realizing that this wasn't getting anywhere and they weren't helping me as much as I thought they were, I left.

I just wish I had some one to talk to about this that would actually help me.

Not wanting to resort to my last option, I had no choice. Maybe this will work. Who really knows.

I grabbed my phone and pulled up their number. I sent her a quick text.

Hey Jocelyn, I have a question and maybe you can help me...


A few moments later I got a text from her back saying...

Okay, what is it? and look I now we haven't had a good start, but I'm really trying to be nicer, so you can trust me with anything.

~ Jocelyn

Okay.. Well the question is so let's say there are these two guys. Ones your best friend and the other is their brother. You had feelings for both of them and they both had feelings for you. What would you do, who would you choose.


Well I would go with best friend, since well y'all are best friends it just makes sense.

~ Jocelyn

Ok alright thanks.. Bye


I'm still not sure if I could completely trust her, but I mean I guess the advice was okay. It gave me more to think about. So I have a few votes for Crawford, everyone says he's the better choice. People just don't know Chris how I do. I would love to go out with Chris but I don't know. I would also love to go out with Crawford.

I decided to bring Crawf over and ask him, without actually telling him it's about me. I texted him and he was at my window in a short amount of time.

"Hey Crawf, thanks for coming over"

"Of course, anything for you"

"So I wanted to ask you question"


"So my cousin she's having guy problems-"

"Doesn't she need girl advice and not guy advice" he interrupted

"I just want your opinion"


"Okay, so she likes her friends who's a guy obviously. But there's this other dude who likes her. She started to get feeling for the other guy. Now she doesn't know who to choose. Her friend or the other guy. If you were in that situation who would you choose."

"Well it all really depends, how close she and her guy friend are. Like if things didn't work out nothing would be the same for them after that. But if she does with the other guy then it would be that much damage. But it could work either way."

"Yeah true"

Crawford did have a good point. But so did my parents. And even, dare I say it Jocelyn did too.

Well I'm back at square one, nothing figured out. But I do have some thinking to do about the good advice. Thinking about Chris. And thinking about Crawf. All I know so far is that I have an idea.

A/N: Heyyyy guys!! Hoping your enjoying the story so far!! I have a question for you all.. I'm just curious who you guys want Katy to end up with.




I haven't really done much thinking into this... So comment who you want to see her end up with and maybe she will.

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting I really appreciate it!

Bye love you all!!

~ Mellow

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