Chapter: 5

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Katy's POV

I woke up the next morning and realized that Chris and Crawford are still here. I looked around for them and saw they were on the floor, Chris laying his head on Crawford's stomach and Crawf with his hands in Chris' face. They looked hilarious, and quite cute when they slept. I quickly took a pic for evidence, I was most definitely going to use this against them for something.

I went down stairs and got breakfast for me and saw that my parents weren't here. That's when I remembered that they wouldn't be back until sometime today. I made myself a bowl of cereal and toast, and walked back up the stairs to my room. I laid on my bed, on my stomach throwing pieces of toast at Chris and Crawford. I don't know how they slept threw that, I would have woken up. I guess I'm just a very light sleeper, I wake up at any thing. I soon got very bored and felt the need to wake up them up, and I was out of toast...




Still nothing.

What the fuck, how can they sleep through that, I was a pretty loud screamer.

I pulled Chris off of Crawford, making his head hit the ground and slapped Crawford to wake them up. They both woke up in pain, my favorite way to wake them up.

"What was that rude wake up for" Chris said groaning and rubbing his head.

"Cause I wanted to and I'm bored and y'all literately slept threw me throwing toast at you and screaming, I had no other choice"

"You threw toast at us?" Crawf said in a confused tone, like it wasn't a normal thing people do.

"Yeah, you got a problem with that"

"Nope, thanks for breakfast"

"That's just gross, you don't know what has been on my floor, I don't even what's been on the floor"

He just shrugged and ate the little pieces of toast he found.

"You sicken me"

He chuckled "your surprised"

I had a straight face the whole time "Chris beat the shit out of your brother please"

We all sat there talking and messing around, we weren't really sure what to do so we were just being random and doing whatever.

Crawford's phone suddenly rang, saying he's gotten a text message. I quickly grabbed his phone before he did.

"Who is it" I asked him looking at his phone, while trying to fight him off. I saw that it was Jocelyn Mackenzie. I threw the phone at Crawford. Jocelyn was my worst enemy and bullied all throughout my years of school.

"Why the fuck is Jocelyn texting you saying to pick her up at 7 for y'all's date" I wanted to scream at him, but I kept my cool as best as possible.

"You know she's my enemy and she's probably just using you to get to me, why would you do this to me, i thought we were friends" I continued not letting Crawford speak. I just told him to leave. I felt a tear run down my face.

"You think you know a person, after knowing them for all you life, guess not" I let out, while Chris was there to comfort me.

"Shh Katy it's okay, I'm sure he has a reason"

"What kind of reason, you don't go from hating a person to going out with them in a minute. It doesn't make sense. Why would he do that? Is he even my friend, or am I being used by him for Jocelyn's benefits"

"You know Crawford better then he knows himself, do you honestly think he would back stab you"

"I honestly don't know what to believe"

Of Course me being me I thought of every single negative that could possibly happen. I broke out into way more tears. There are so many negatives and not that many positives in this situation.

Chris was still trying to comfort me, telling me it will all work out in the end. Everything happens for a reason.

It was really nice of Chris to stay here with me, I told him he didn't have to but he insisted. Chris and I just laid on my bed, him cuddling me and we were watching movies.

He was doing his best to get my mind off of things, but it wasn't really working. I was distant, and wasn't really paying attention to anything said on the movie and occasionally missing something Chris was trying to say to me. I'm guessing he was getting frustrated with me since he sighed and turned to face me but with sorrow in his eyes and he was going to say something, but something came over me and something about the way he was looking at me made me want to kiss him. I did exactly that. He was shocked at first but he kissed me back, which honestly shocked me, I didn't think he would've. It was a sweet passionate kiss. I never knew that he liked me until this very moment. I pulled away before anything got to heated or did something I would've regretted. I smiled up at Chris, and he did the same to me.

"I hope you know that I'll always be here for"

For that brief second I felt like everything was okay, like Chris was really there for me, always. And forgot all about Crawford, and his stupid mistake, or at least I hope was a mistake.

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