Chapter: 4

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Katy's POV

Before Chris had dropped me off at my house, i explained the loop hole I had found to both Chris and Crawford. They were both pretty happy, and so was I. I no longer had to completely be apart from them. I still had friends. When Chris pulled up to my house my mother was standing outside. Wow she really doesn't trust me, doesn't trust that I can say away and ignore Crawford. That's partly true, but I still think I deserve her trust, I've never really done anything that bad. I had to quickly tell Crawford to hide and get down so my mom doesn't see him in the back seat. I said goodbye to them and got out the car walking to my door step where my mom was standing. I tried to walk in but my mom blocked me from doing so.

"Who was that you where just with"


"Chris who"

"Chris Collins, as in Christian Collins, or as is Chris, Crawford's older brother. Are we done here"

"Don't talk back to me missy"

I rolled my eyes, I was getting tired of my mother getting so overprotective of me, and making sure that whatever I do, it's in her approval. Why couldn't she be a mother like that when I was younger? why all of sudden does she to be like this and care so much. Yes I know I have always wanted my mom to care, but this has crossed the line, this is too much. I once again tried to push pass her but she yet again stopped me.

"What's with the sudden attitude"


She stood there in shock and I took that as my opportunity to push pass her and get inside my once was a 'loving' household. Now it seems like everything has gone wrong and that's all my fault. I saw my father on the couch on his work computer. I didn't bother him or I might be in more trouble, so I just walked up the stairs going into my room closing the door and laying on my bed. Honestly wonder if life gets better from here, which I doubt it will. Just because of a stupid math class. It makes me wonder if things worked out different what would it be like. What would I be like. My parents and teachers blame Crawford, so if we never knew each other, I would probably be that shy, awkward kid, that no one likes and makes fun of. Being the teachers pet and always getting good grades. Or be the exact opposite. Crawford, he either keeps me grounded or helps me realize the more important things in life to just adventure and take chances. Risks are risks for a reason, you have to live your life to the fullest, we don't know we might die tomorrow. Just thinking about this, I feel like I've taken advantage of Crawford and Chris. I feel I need to thank them for everything.
I obviously have to way of doing so though.

I was pacing around the room thinking of things to do to entertain myself, because obviously I can't have Chris and Crawf over. I instantly remembered my back up phone, used for 'emergencies only'. In this case it is a definite emergency. I grabbed the phone out of my top dresser drawer. I texted Chris telling him to come over because I was bored and to bring Crawf with him.

Chris: I thought we can't come over.

Me: oh right.....uhm tell her we have a project to do or something...imorovise.

Chris: okay what about Crawford

Me: he knows to come in through the window...

Chis: how?

Me: since when are we playing 20 questions? Just get your asses over here.

Chris: okay. Okay.


Chris' POV

I was sitting on my bed on my phone, when I got a text from Katy saying to go over to her house since she was bored.
Crawford and I had nothing to do anyway so I guess why not, right.
But first I had to think of a way to convince her mom to think we were doing some project together. I glanced around the room when my eyes landed on my tripod and I instantly thought we could make a video and I could tell her mom we were making a movie for some class. That sounds reasonable enough right. I think so we will just go with that.

"Hey Crawf let's go"



"Alright" he instantly perked up

"You have to go in through her window"

"Yeah I know"

"You guys are weird, why not use doors like normal people"

"How much fun will you have going through a door"

"Point taken"

We both got into the car and we drove to her house. Crawford snuck around and climbed up a tree leading to her window. That does seem like fun, im going to go through her window someday.

I walked up the doorsteps and was about to knock on the door, when it opened.

"Hello who are you" her mother asked

"I'm Chris and Katy and I have a project to do, is it okay if I stay over"

"Uh yeah sure whatever, tell Katy that I and her father have to go, emergency for work, we will be back tomorrow, oh and also to stop sneaking Crawford in threw her window"

"Will do" I chuckled lightly to myself that she knew that. Parents know everything.

I went up to Katy's room and say her and Crawf on the bed talking about something, that most definitely wasn't even important.

"Hey Katy, your mom told me to tell you that her and your father have some emergency work thing and to stop sneaking Crawford through the window."

"She knew" Katy asked surprised.

"Guess so"

Crawford and Katy both laughed hysterically.

"Told you your too loud" Katy playfully hit crawf's shoulder.

"Yeah whatever, it's difficult climbing that tree and your window is squeaky as fuck"

"Stop being fat and I wouldn't have to open it all the way"

"Stop giving me your moms cookies, they are delicious"

"Stop accepting them"

"Stop offering"

I quickly got tired of this and told them both to shut up. Wow I never thought they were this annoying. Now I see why they are best friends.

"So whatcha got there" Katy asked looking at what I brought.

"Wanna make a video"

"Yeah, what's they idea this time"

"I have no idea"

We sat and discussed what video would be cool to do while Crawford went downstairs and got some of Katy's moms homemade cookies. She told me that she got tired of them, since she makes them all the time. She also said that her mom reminds her of the witch from Hansel and Gretel that feeds kids and gets them fat. Her mom is getting Crawf fat. Well according to Katy.

Katy had suggested that we do some sort of challenge. I was cool with that we haven't done a challenge in a long time. We were trying to decide what challenge to do when Crawford walked back in with multiple bags of food in his hands.

"Yes Crawford you can take all my food" Katy said sarcastically

"K thanks"

"Crawf why don't you be useful and give us a challenge to do"

"The chubby bunny challenge"

Katy seemed cool with the idea. Which was surprising, I don't know how she'll do it he has a tiny mouth and the marshmallows are huge.

Through the whole video Katy managed, she put more marshmallows in her mouth then I thought. I thought two at the most, she got three. Needless to say I won and beat her pretty bad.

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