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I awoke the next afternoon at around 1 or 2pm with a striking sore head. My feet were in agony and my neck hurt badly.

I felt lost and broken.

Physically and mentally.

I decided to gather up whatever strength i had left and start walking. I wanted to find out where I was. I wanted to continue my journey.
I walked out of the alleyway to find myself on a small abandoned road.
A small red vintage car passed me by slowly as the driver stared at me from head to toe.

I knew I looked like a mess, I looked like hell quite honestly but I didn't care. My only focus was getting to Seattle.

I followed the car as it turned the corner and I found out that I was actually in a small quiet town. I had no idea what town it was. I had no idea what state I was in.

"Excuse me sir?" I called out to a man who walked on the sidewalk beside me.

He stared at me with a confused look, "Yes?"

"I'm completely lost." I pushed my hair behind my ears, "Could you tell me where I am?"

He raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "You're in the good old town of Kennebec my dear, South Dakota."

South Dakota? That meant that I had traveled through the whole state of Nebraska without even realising it.

"Thanks." I smiled as he walked off across the road.

This town was quiet, almost too quiet.

There were cars, but no people.
The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of the gushing wind and the distant highway.

The sidewalk was dirty, the roads were dirty and the telephone wires that towered over the abandoned looking buildings swayed violently as the cold sharp breeze gusted through the streets of Kennebec.

This town had a weird vibe to it, an unwelcoming vibe. All the stores seemed run down and the houses nearby seemed trashed. I didn't like it there at all and I didn't want to stay any longer.

 I didn't like it there at all and I didn't want to stay any longer

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I decided to walk to the nearest highway and continue my travels.
The only things keeping me going were Sasha and Izzy. They motivated me to a point I didn't even know I could be motivated.

I knew that continuing to hitchhike would be risky but I had no other choice.

I was stranded.

I stood on the hard shoulder and stuck my thumb out, filled with worry and anticipation, just hoping and praying that the next person to pick me up wouldn't be someone that I would regret meeting.

I stood there for what seemed like hours, my arms getting extremely tired. It seemed like no one wanted to pick up a young, homeless looking girl. I couldn't exactly blame them.

I couldn't help but overthink the events of the previous night. Who knows what would have happened to me if that window wasn't broken. It hurt me to think that Andrew would try to take advantage of me, after knowing my past, after knowing how weak and tired I was.
There really are bad people in this world.
Finally, a blue Volkswagen hippie van pulled up and the doors opened.
It was a group of teenagers.
They were around my age.
They were happy, and smiling.
A big contrast to the emotions I was feeling.

"Hey!! Hop on!" Said a boy with blond curls and dark brown eyes.

Suddenly, another hippie van pulled up on the hard shoulder behind the van of teenagers, this one was green. The driver of the green van rolled down the window.

"Lilia, what's going on?!" Shouted a boy from the drivers seat.

"Nothing, we're just picking up a hitchhiker!" Replied the driver of the blue van, who i assumed was called Lilia.

The boy nodded and rolled his window back up.

"Well you coming in?" Said the boy with the blond hair.

I nodded and he helped me up into the van and closed the doors.

"WELCOME TO THE HAPPY HIPPY VAN!" Said the boy laughing.

"Shut it Sam, you must be scaring her!" She brushed his hand away from me and smiled, "I'm Jane."

I smiled back at her, "I'm Codi."

"That's such a unique name." She said as her eyes lit up.

"Where are you heading?!" Shouted the girl in the drivers seat.

I looked at her as she turned around to face me.


She smiled, "Okay cool, most of us are going to Vancouver, so we'll be passing by Seattle anyway."
She pulled out of the hard shoulder and we started our journey on the highway as Heart shaped box- Nirvana quietly played on the radio.

These teenagers didn't look like average, normal kids. They looked like the rejects, the outcasts, the freaks.

My kind of people.

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