XIV- The carnival

204 19 7

5:30 pm

"Codi I need to talk to you." Whispered Chloe as Jack napped quietly on the sofa.

"Yeah sure."

I made my way over to her and plopped down beside her.

"Ok, so you and Jack are really cute, I'm not denying that. But honey, I'm worried about you."

She paused and pushed her velvet red hair behind her shoulders,

"Don't you think you might be rushing into things? This is all way too fast. And what are you going to do when he gets dropped off in Portland and you have to go to Seattle?"

I bowed my head and nodded slowly.

"I agree with you Chloe. We are definitely rushing into things, but there's no denying that we both can't push away this feeling we have for eachother.."

"So what are you guys going to do when you're separated?" She asked slowly.

"I guess with all the drama, all the sadness, and also being caught up in our feelings we haven't had the time to figure that out yet.." I whispered.

Our conversation was abruptly interrupted by Lilia's loud voice calling from the driver's seat.

"Look guys there's a carnival here today!"

Chloe's eyes immediately lit up like an excited toddler.

"Can we go?" She said as she turned her head towards me and batted her eyelids.

I smiled at her, "Okay, I guess."

We woke Jack up as Lilia parked the van on a nearby street. We slowly jumped out of the car as Adam rolled down the window of the blue van.

"What are we doing?" He asked.

"Let's go to the carnival, we don't have a lot of time left together so we should make the most of it." Replied Lilia.

"Where actually are we?" I asked.

"Baker city honey, about 6 hours away from Portland."

The realisation hit me that I really did have only a short time left with them. In a way, I wanted to continue the journey with my new found friends, I wanted to go on an endless world tour but I knew that this wasn't possible.

I knew that parting ways with them would be hard, I knew it would break my heart, as I truly loved them. Every single one of them were amazing in their own way.

Carnival music filled the air in the streets of Baker City. The sounds of children's laughter, screams, and endless chatter filled my ears as I bopped along down the street with Jack by my side. As we entered the carnival we were immediately met with the strong smell of cotton candy and bubblegum, something I had never experienced before.

I caught Jack gazing over at me admiringly as I looked up at all the rides surrounding us. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"You're so cute when you look amazed." He smiled.

"Shh no I'm not." I said as I blushed.

"This is all so new to me." I continued, "I've never been to a carnival, I've never ridden a ride or tasted cotton candy. I always dreamt about it though." I laughed.

"Let me buy you some." He chirped as he started to walk over to the cotton candy stand.

"No, I don't want you to waste your money on me." I said.

"Any penny spent on you is a penny well spent."

I blushed as he bought two large strawberry cotton candies.

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