X-Messages from Sasha

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A/N: Thank you all so much for the support on this story, I can't thank you all enough❣ I have been working extremely hard on it and I'm glad to hear that people are enjoying it(:

Ps: The music that I include in the chapters help set the mood for the story so definitely check them out(:

I fell asleep on the sofa of the blue van that night as Jane and Sam slept on the sofa bed and Lilia in the driver's seat.

The next morning I was awoken by the sounds of Lilia and Adam outside clearing up the mess we all had made the night before by the camp fire. I threw on a soft baggy sweater and tied my thick hair into a messy ponytail.  I opened the van door quietly and joined them outside.

  I opened the van door quietly and joined them outside

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"Morning sunshine." Smiled Adam as I rubbed my tired eyes and smiled back at him.

"Good morning" I replied, "Can I give you guys a hand?"

"Sure, could you just rinse off all of this cooking stuff at the tap over there and put them in the box in the blue van?" He asked as he picked up some empty beer bottles from the ground.

"Sure" I smiled as I started to stack up the bowls.

I quickly rinsed off the cooking utensils and stored them back in their place under the sofa in the blue van.
I returned to Lilia and Adam who had finished clearing up and were sitting on the grass.

"So." Smiled Lilia, "How was your night with lover boy last night?" She smirked.

"Lover boy? Jack?" I slowly sat down next to Adam and bowed my head hiding my slight blush, "Oh, uhm it was fine I guess."

She giggled and looked at Adam, "See I told you Adam! She's blushing. Something happened." She exclaimed.

I looked up at them as they smiled and Adam raised his eyebrow at me.

"Come on girl, spill the beans." He winked.

"Fine." I laughed, "We kinda kissed."

"Damn, he went straight for it. No fooling around with Jack, he went straight for the prize..That was damn fast!" Said Lilia.

"You two are cute, not going to lie." She said as she lit up a cigarette.

"Thanks I guess." I replied as I looked down at the grass below me, "Although, I think the alcohol played a big part in it."

Adam shrugged, "Nah, I could see the way that he looked at you as you sang last night, that kiss meant something to him, trust me."

I slightly smiled to myself and shrugged back at him.

Lilia finished her cigarette and stubbed it into the ground below.

"Adam, we should hit the road" She said as she ran her fingers through her short brown hair.

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