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7:00 am

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7:00 am

"Jellybean, are you awake?" Jack's soft voice filled my ears as he caressed my leg under my blanket.

I looked into his eyes and smiled softly, "Yeah.."

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He said gazing at me with his dark brown eyes that made it completely impossible to say no.

"Okay sure.." I said as I rubbed my tired eyes and pushed my blanket off of my legs.

I grabbed a sweater as Jack quietly opened up the back door of the van. We hopped out and shut the door back over, trying our best not to startle Chloe and Lilia.

We walked down a little path that wrapped around beside the forest as I struggled to pull my sweater on.

"Any news from your sisters?" Asked Jack as he gazed at the sky.

"Nope." I replied, "I'm hoping that I'll get an update on Sasha's condition later today."

He sniffed and gazed over at me,

"Your sisters must love you." He paused, "You seem like a great big sister."

I shrugged, "I try. But I can't help but feel like if I hadn't left, none of this would have happened and Sasha wouldn't be lying in a hospital bed right now."

He sighed, "It's all for the best Codi, at least now you know that they won't be with that disgusting dad of theirs anymore."

I shrugged and reached out for his hand as Jack took it softly and raised his eyebrows, deep in thought.

"Can you promise me something Codi?" He paused, "When we go our separate ways, which is soon, promise me that we won't forget eachother and promise me that you won't let whatever we have fade away."

I went onto my tiptoes and kissed his cheek slowly as I watched him blush.

"That's the last thing I want to do."


We walked around through a small Street and ended up in a small play park near an old middle school

We walked around through a small Street and ended up in a small play park near an old middle school

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As we sat on the swings slowly rocking in harmony Jack turned to me.

"We don't have a lot of moments left. All of us, together." He said quietly with a slightly raspy voice.

I nodded as i tilted my head down towards my slightly torn sneakers.

"It feels like all of us were just meant to meet eachother, it's like we all just instantly clicked." He said.

I smiled and looked up at him,

"Don't be so cheesy, we'll all see eachother again, I can promise you that." I stuck my tongue out at him and ruffled my fingers through his hair.
"Ooh that's where you two went!"

Said a soft voice from behind the trees. Lilia appeared with a slight smirk on her face as she lit up a cigarette between her lips.

"Mind if I join you?" She continued.

"Of course not." I replied as the cold breeze forced me to fold my arms.

Lilia took a puff from her cigarette and sat down on the swing beside me, she rocked slowly back and forth as her short wavy hair blew through the wind.

"Not to far to go now guys! How are y'all feeling?" She asked.

"I don't really know what to feel." I paused, "I guess I feel anxious about what's to come, but I feel kinda excited too I guess."

She nodded, "how about you Jacky pops?" She asked as she smiled mockingly.

Jack stuck his tongue out at her in response to his new nickname, "I guess I feel the same. Everything's gonna be so different."

I bowed my head down to the ground and looked at my reflection through a small puddle that lay below my feet.

As I looked at myself through the small cloudy puddle I realized that I had changed. I wasn't the same person that I was when I first set off on my journey, I felt like a large part of me was gone.

The girl who never had any fun.

The girl who lived under a dictatorship in her own home

The girl who was constantly worried and anxious.

The girl who was destined for a life of misery.

That girl was gone.

A.N: Short paragraph, i know, I know.
I'm trying to get back into the swing of things because your comments and votes are really motivating me. I'm sorry for my long absence, I've had a lot going on, I hope you all forgive me ❤

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