VII-The past

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"So, are you all friends? Why are you guys out on the road?" I asked as I glanced over at Jane.

Jane pushed her straight dirty blond colored hair behind her ear,

"Well, only four of us knew eachother when we started this trip. Lilia, Lilia's brother Adam who is driving the green van, Sam and I. We're from Nashville, Tennessee. Lilia, Adam and I were neighbors and Sam is my boyfriend. We all come from stupid rich families that only care about their image." She paused and tugged on her baggy grey sweatshirt,

"We decided to head for Vancouver because we had..complications in Nashville. We've always loved Canada so we decided that all three of us would go and start a new life for ourselves and hit the road."

I nodded, and glanced over at Lilia.

"Then," she continued, "Adam stopped and picked up two hitchhikers in his van, they were standing on the highway near Saint Louis, their names are Chloe and Dani. They are sweet girls, I'm sure you'll like them. After that we spent a long time on the road and Adam picked up another hitchhiker , his name's Jack. He comes from Oklahoma originally."

She paused and looked at me. "Don't worry, we're not expecting you to remember all of our names" she laughed as she lay her head on Sam's shoulder.

Jane was truly beautiful.

I don't know what it was about her, but even just the way she talked was beautiful. She seemed like a beautiful person on the inside too.

She wore tight black skinny jeans , a baggy sweatshirt that looked like it belonged to Sam and black converse. She wore silver hooped earrings and no makeup.
Her hair was completely straight and her eyes were a mesmerising blue colour. She was tiny and very thin. She reminded a lot of the singer Avril Lavigne in her younger years. I wasn't sure what age she was but she didn't look older than sixteen.

"What about you Codi?" Said Sam, "What's your story?"

I began to tell them the story of Frank, of my little sisters and the story of my abuse as I watched their eyes widen.

"Oh my god, that's so fucked up." said Jane as she moved up next to me, "I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

Suddenly she brought me into her arms and gave me a hug pushing my straight red hair behind my shoulder.

"We'll get you to Seattle. I promise." She whispered, visibily upset.

I smiled at her then looked up to the mirror at the driver's seat. Lilia was staring at me from the front of the van with her dark brown eyes filling up with tears. When she noticed me looking back at her she quickly looked away and focused back on the road.
A few hours passed by as we talked and listened to old 90's/2000's rock music in the van.

"I bet you wanna know what the 'complications' were for us in Nashville." Said Jane as she looked up at me,
"Can I tell her?" She asked Lilia as she looked at her through the front mirror.

Lilia shrugged, "Do what you want.."

Jane turned to me, "Well.. it all started when we were about ten years old. My super rich family moved in next to Lilia and Adam's super rich family. Our families were great friends. Lilia and her brother Adam grew up keeping a big secret from their mom because their dad made them keep quiet." She sighed,

"Their dad was having an affair with the nanny their mother had hired to look after them.Lilia walked in on them..Anyways long story short, their mom found out and left. She left them with their cheating, disgusting father when Lilia was only eleven. They haven't heard from her since.
Their dad is a horrible person, he started to get mentally and even physically abusive towards Adam and Lilia. My family still stayed friends with him even though they knew what he done to his kids, mainly because he is a very successful man. He owns a big branch of companies and he is quite well known in our area."

Sam kissed Jane's cheek and rubbed her stomach.

"This is where our part comes in. I haven't been dating Sam for a long time, only about 4 months. My parents never liked Sam, mostly because he is three years older than me."

I looked over at Sam who was listening to every single word that Jane was saying.

"Then, I got pregnant."

She stopped and looked at Sam.

"And of course my parents, they disowned me. They didn't want a pregnant fifteen year old. That would completely ruin their reputation. They disowned me and told their friends that I was sent to a highly prestigious boarding school."

Sam held Jane close and kissed her forehead.

"My parents didn't want anything to do with me either after I told them." He said, "That's when we all decided to leave and get away from our horrible families." He smiled as he caressed Jane's arm

"Yes, we made a mistake. A big mistake. But we want to go somewhere where we can raise this baby and give it a good future, away from those self centered kind of people."

I smiled at them, "I think you two will make perfect parents."

I felt like I had found some new friends, even if I had just met them.
I felt comfortable around them, I felt like I could tell them anything. I felt like I had known them for years.

"Enough of the depressing stuff." Yelled Jane as she winked, "Who wants to play cards?" She smiled.

She brought out a pack of cards and layed them on the small table. The hippie van was super comfortable with two sofas decorated with throw pillows and galaxy colored curtains.

She brought out two beers and a soda for herself, we slowly sipped them as we laughed together and played cards.

She brought out two beers and a soda for herself, we slowly sipped them as we laughed together and played cards

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With all my new found happiness I couldn't help but feel guilty. Guilty that my two little sisters were sitting without me in that depressing house back in Kansas.

I missed them so much.

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