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That night passed extremely slowly. My mind couldn't rest at all and my body shook uncontrollably. I decided to make my way to the front of the van to sit beside Lilia.

"You okay babe?" She said softly, her dark eyes still focusing on the equally dark road.

"Just worried.. extremely worried."

She grabbed my hand squeezed it tight.

"I'll say a little prayer for your sisters Codi." She turned her head to me, "And for you."

"Thank you." I whispered inaudibly as she put her hand softly back onto the steering wheel.

I clutched my phone between my hands, waiting for Izzy's call. She never called.

I waited for hours and must have fell asleep. I was awakened by the sounds of Lilia, Jane and Sam talking on the sofa bed. The van was parked.
I rubbed my eyes and turned around to look at them.

"Oh good morning babe." Smiled Lilia, "We're all hungry, we're going to stop here and get breakfast if that's okay with you?"

I nodded and looked out of the window. We were stopped at a vintage style café on a tiny road.

I changed into black skinny jeans and a forest green sweater as I pulled my hair into a bun on the top of my head.


The café was shabby chic style on the inside, with soft pink walls, white and silver mirrors, dark wooden flooring and white tables.Flowers were placed around the room giving a warm, welcoming vibe to the place.

We sat at a large round table in the corner and were served by a rosy cheeked blonde woman. Dani,Adam,Lilia,Jack and I ordered pancakes with maple syrup, along with a glass of orange juice each. Sam, Jane and Chloe ordered simple cereal also with orange juice.

"What's wrong with you Dani?" Said Adam smiling, "Hangover?"

She turned her head to reveal her pale skin and dark under eye circles,

"Fuck off Adam, I'm just not a morning person." She hissed.

Adam burst out laughing as I giggled, "Okay grumpy, calm down." He teased.

"How can anyone be a morning person? I mean for fucks sake it's too early, and eww the bright sky burns my eyes out. I must be a vampire because I hate that stupid ass sun."She said dramatically.

Chloe rolled her eyes at her, "Shut up and eat your pancakes." She laughed.

"Guys, I think we should switch up the places in the vans. Like for example I go into the blue van and Codi goes into the green van, something like that." Said Chloe as she looked at Jack.

"It will give us a chance to spend time with eachother equally."

"I agree but who goes where?" Asked Sam.

"How about you and Jane in the blue van with Dani and Adam?" She stopped and looked at me, "And Jack, Codi, Lilia and I in the green van?"

Sam nodded, "Sounds good to me, how about you guys?" He said as he looked at all of us.

"Yeah sure." Smiled Jack.

I nodded my head slowly and continued to eat my pancakes as the other discussed the seating arrangements. Jack took my hand under the table and started to draw circles on it softly with his finger. His touch electrified me, it made me feel loved and safe even in this shitty situation with Frank.

After we had all finished i decided that I wanted to pay for my breakfast by myself as I already felt guilty enough about Lilia and Adam paying for everything. It didn't bother them paying, as they weren't exactly poor but I felt like I should pay by myself anyway.

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