2: The Show/Meet and Greet

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As me and my mom got into our seats i realized my sister was not here yet.
"Hey mom where is Braylon?" I ask.

"She couldn't make it because of work sorry sweetie" My mom says sadly.

"it's okay" I say, still in a great mood. As a guy stepped on stage that i thought was Jiggy, but was not sure i couldn't really see but he announced the guys.

"Everyone give it up for Sal Joe Q and Murr, the Impractical Jokers!" Says the man.

 As the man went off stage and the guys came on, the crowd went wild but i heard nothing because i made eye contact with Sal since i was in the front. My mom waved in my face which made me lose eye contact with him.

"River, Sal Is waving To You" She Says. 

"Oh Sorry" I say and i nervously waved back at Sal.

Towards the end of the show i couldn't hold it in, i yelled out as loud as i could for Sal to hear me, not thinking that he actually would. 

"I LOVE YOU SAL VULCANO!" I say, crying because i loved them so much i couldn't help it he looked at me and smiled.

"I love you to sweetie" Sal said smiling with his amazing green eyes. After the show ended it was time for the meet and greet i was so nervous i was shaking so much and when we finally got to the guys my heart sank.

"H-Hi g-guys" I said nervously and surprised i got any words out at that point.

"Hi sweetheart, awe your shaking you're so ,nervous come here" Murr says, while pulling me into a hug. All of the other guys greeted me the same way and we got a picture together but before i left Murr stopped me. 

"Has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like Q" he said winking, like he was trying to tell me something, like a hint maybe?..or was he flirting? As he did Joe came over and punched him in the arm and said "Sorry hun he was just kidding"

"No it's cool everyone says it, i'm used to it" I say, staring at Sal and smiling and screaming inside my head. My mom snapped me out of it and that is when we left.

"Mom what was that all about" I ask suspiciously.

"What was what about?" She asks. I look at her like she knows why that whole scene happened back there.

"Why did Murr Come up to me say that and wink at me like he was telling me something and why did Joe punch him when he did?" I say starting to get angry because i knew she knew something.

"Look River we need to talk, i need to tell you something i have been hiding from u since you were just a baby" She said tearing up and I got inside the car,  scared of what to say next...

"What is it mom?" A tear streaming down my face.

"We can talk tomorrow its to late okay" She says in a very sad way.

"Okay" I say and the whole car ride was silent until we got home.

 "Goodnight i love you mom" I say sadly.

"Goodnight River love you too" My mom says leaving my room.

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