13: Forgiveness

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Sal and I have not been together for about 8 months now and I have been with my new boyfriend for about 4 months now. I am so happy with him, Sal is still single and gets really jealous when he is around me and my boyfriend, his name is Brett. Brian is happy I found someone new, he really loves Brett, I think he loves him more than I do and today Is my birthday, I am finally 18, July 14th

"Hey, dad why are you setting the table?" I ask.

"Um hey, it's your birthday and I invited the family and the guys" Brian says.

"Oh thanks, you do know that you don't have to do this, it's too much" I say.

"I want to. Hey, can you call Brett and ask him if he is able to come over?" Brian says.

"No, he didn't even say happy birthday to me... no text, no calls, and I wanna spend time with you guys, I don't always want him to be around ya know?" I say.

"Damn I'm sorry hun... maybe he will text or call. It's good you wanna spend time with your family" Brian says.

"He actually never calls me as he used to... I'm really rethinking this relationship with him, I think he is cheating on me" I say, Once I said that Brian turned around and his face got really red.

"Get into the car now, we're gonna go over there" Brian says.

"What? No" I say.

"River, get in the damn car! I'm calling the guys and we're going over there, end of the conversation" Brian says.

I sighed and went outside and got into the car as he told me too. I waited for him and the guys to come out of the house, which they did and got into the car. While he was driving I was in my seat thinking to myself, what if he really is cheating on me?  What am I gonna do? I realized that I started having an anxiety attack I was shaking like crazy and I felt a tear run down my face and Brian must have noticed because he grabbed my hand and said "it's gonna be okay" All I could do was nod my head, We pulled up to his house and I got out of the car.

"Go knock on the door if he doesn't answer knock again if he doesn't answer that time either then go to his window and knock okay" Brian said.

"Okay.." I said.

I went up to Brett's front door and knocked on it I waited like 5 minutes and knocked again and he answered. He looked so scared and upset I was really confused.

"Erm...Brett are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah of course babe, but I really gotta go" He said.

"Don't you have something to say to me?" I ask.

"Do I? Oh fuck, I do, baby I'm sorry happy birthday" He said.

"Are you fucking kidding me Brett....you forgot about my god damn birthday? You asshole" I say as I hear a girl's voice come from upstairs.

"Brett baby are you able to take me home" The girl said and I flipped.

"Who the hell is that bitch" I ask.

"look I know what your thinking, but I'm not cheating on you, I-I nevermind, I'm sorry..." He said.

"Fuck you and your little side Brett were done, you ass " I say as I walk away and he runs after me and grabs my wrist. I saw the guys as they were watching what happened, they put the window down so they could hear.

"Excuse me your breaking up with me? What are you gonna do? I give you everything!" Brett yelled.

"NO YOU DON'T! I don't need you, I have those four guys in that car over there, they are all I need, I don't need some boy ruining my god damn life!" I yell while walking away.

"What are you gonna go back to that scumbag, Sal? They are playing you, they are gonna make you so happy then their gonna be the ones ruining your life bitch!" He says. Once he said that I stopped dead in my tracks and put him in his place.

"DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT! HE IS SWEETEST GUY I HAVE EVER MET! HE'S DONE MORE FOR ME THAN YOU EVER COULD! Maybe I will go back with Sal! He treated me way better than you did! At least he didn't forget about my birthday and purposely cheat on me and fucking lie about it as you did! I never wanna see you again! Oh yeah and FUCK YOU!" I say while I get into the car.

Sal's POV-

I can't believe it she just said I was the sweetest guy she has ever met. I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend again so bad, but I don't know if she really wants me back. She got into the car and it was silent the whole ride back to Brian's place. We finally pulled up to the house and we got out, River is having a party today so maybe after it, I can talk to her about what happened back there.

"Ugh goddammit" Brian said.

"What's the problem Bri" I say?

"The family isn't able to make it" Brian says.

"Awe man that sucks Bri you gonna tell Riv?" I ask.

"Yeah man, I have too, it's her birthday" Brian says while yelling for River. She came downstairs and Brian told her the news she wasn't really upset though.

"Your not upset?" I ask her.

"No of course not. As long as I have you guys everything will be okay" She says smiling.

We just decided to start our own little party. It went on for hours and hours and Joe had to leave and get home, Murr would have stayed longer, but Joe was his ride home. Bri went to bed and now it's just me and River.

"Riv, can we talk?" I ask.

"Sure about what?" she says.

"About earlier. What you said about me was it true that I was the sweetest guy you have ever met and that you would come back to me?" I say.

"Yes, it was why would I lie about something like that? Yes, it's true I would come back to you... I regret not being together. I still have feelings for you and they won't go away I need you, Sal, I love you" She said which made me the happiest man In the world.

"Obviously I still have feelings for you too. I need you so much, I love you too Riv" I say.

"Remember that date you wanted to take me on?" She says.

"Yes" I say.

"Do you wanna take me on it tomorrow?" She asks.

"Hell yea!" I say.

"Okay" She giggled.

"Will you be my girlfriend again River?" I say and she crashes her lips into mine.

"Does that answer your question?" She says.

"Yes" I say.

"let's go upstairs, I'm so fucking tired" She says.

"Okay" I say.

 I grabbed her hand and walked up the steps. I went into her room and we fell onto the bed and I fell asleep in her bed with her in my arms finally once again.

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