10: We Love You

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There Is Suicide Attempt And Help In This Chapter If You're Not Good With This Kinda Stuff I Suggest You Skip This Chapter...

And I just cut my arm and cried i did not realize that i was a little load while crying and i heard a knock at the door. And i heard foot steps coming up the stairs.

"River, are you okay?" Sal said from the other side of the door.

"I'm fine, just go away and leave me alone..." I say.

Brian's POV-

I heard a thump upstairs and i knew it had to be River, i felt horrible and i knew that i had hurt her, i just didn't know how to say sorry. She would never forgive me for what i did, i should have been happy....

Sal's POV -
I walked up the stairs to check on River when i heard crying coming from her room.

"Guy's can you come up here for a sec" I say as the guys walk up the stairs.

"What's wrong Sal?" Brian said.

"Its Sal" I knocked on the door "River are you okay" I asked.

"I'm fine just go away and leave me alone" she said.

"River i'm sorry i was mad at you, it's just you're my daughter and Sal
Is my best friend it's just not right" Brian said.

"Q seriously? Why can't you just be happy for them? For her" Murr said.

"Murray she is 17 he is 27 are you insane!" Q said.

River's POV -

"Age is just a number Brian! You know you used to be my heroes, my damn life, i looked up to you! Now you are the reason i cut myself!" I said, not meaning to say it all.

"Y-You what?" The guys said. 

I stepped away from the door and unlocked it that is when all four if them came bursting through the door. Blood was running down my arm and Joe ran and got bandages.

"River i am so sorry we made you do this" Brian said, i looked at him and just ignored what he said.

A few hours later......

I was sitting in my room surprisingly reading, until i heard my door open it was Sal.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I ask.

"Nope, what is it?" he asks with a smile, which makes me giggle.

"I missed that smile" He said.

"Yeah well enjoy right now, it might not be here for long" I say.

"River you know i still love you and i still wanna be with you. Brian cannot take us away from each other" He said.

"I know i just wish he could be happy for me.... With everything going on, i was finally happy for once in my life and now that happiness is gone" i said, not looking at him.

"Hey no its not, it is still there.... today is just a bad day if Brian doesn't like that were together then that's his problem not ours. We have nothing to worry about, we have each other that's all we need babygirl" He said which put a smile on my face that he apparently did not see.

Still not looking at him i say "Thank you Sal, I love you so much, it would hurt to lose you" As i say that he lifts up my chin the kisses me. The kiss got deeper every second then Sal pulled away.

"It would hurt to lose you too Riv, i love you so much babe" he said as he began to kiss me again. He laid me down on my bed and started to kiss my neck.

"Sal stop please" I said while getting up.

"Are you okay? i'm sorry" Sal said while getting up and leaving the room.

The next day.....

The guys didn't have work today so they all came over to the house to hang out. I have not talked to Sal since last night. I don't know why i stopped him, it's just not what i want. I want him to do something i just don't know what. I walked downstairs to see all the guys there, even Sal.

"Hey Riv, how are you?" Murr Asked, i gave him a fake smile and walked away.

"Okay then" He said.

I hear footsteps come from the kitchen door but, i don't mind it i was making coffee because i thought it would wake me up since i am so tired. While making my coffee i felt nice warm arms wrap around my waist and turn me around.

"Hey babygirl" Sal said.

"Hey" i said smiling.

"I missed you" he said as he pressed our fore heads together.

"Me too" i said as i kiss his beautiful warm lips.

He picked me up and put me on the counter and squeezed between my legs and kissed me even more but, i pulled away

"Sal can we go up in my room and talk please" i said.

"Of course we can" he said picking me up off the counter and spinning me around.

"AHHH SAL STOP SAL" I say bursting into laughter while he put me down and began to kiss me again. I heard the kitchen door open then close and i laughed.

"What's so funny" He said chuckling.

"Nothing let's go" I said.

"Oh to your room" He said.

"Nope front yard" I said.

"Okay" He said.

Brian's POV -

I saw Sal and River go into the front yard and then they started play fighting, i sighed.

"What wrong with you Brian?" Joe said.

"I don't want them to be together, i just can't take it anymore she is too young and my daughter he is too old and my best friend" I say.

"Brian do you care about their happiness? Sal hasn't been happy for year, but ever since he saw River he is just the happiest person i have ever seen in my life" Murr said.

"Of course i care, how do you even know they are happy together Murr" I said.

"Q look at them, look at how happy they are together, do you really wanna mess that up? don't tear them apart man, think before you act dude okay?" Joe Said as i looked outside and saw them laughing and smiling with each other.

"Whatever but don't think it is gonna be that easy for me to get over" i said.

"Okay okay" Joe Said.

River's POV -
"Hey Sal, let's go inside i need to talk to you" i said.

"Okay" Sal Said.

We walked inside and went straight upstairs to my room.

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