12: How could you i trusted you and you lied to me

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River's POV -

Me and Sal have been together for 7 months and it has been great, Brian has been dealing with it well he has not really gotten mad but i see his face turn red when me and Sal kiss, But lately me and Sal have been getting into arguments and we stopped talking  to each other for like two weeks but i texted Murr and i got suspicious.


R: Hey Murray i am coming home early from classes today we can probably do something if u and the guys want to.

M: Why are you coming home? why don't you just go out with a friend or something? you don't have to spend all your time with us

R: Do you like not want me to come home? i cant just go over to my friends and be like 'oh hey i am gonna stay here because my dads friend doesn't want me to come home' Like i don't think so.

M: i suggest you don't come home  Riv...

R: Why not? well too late now i am already here...

I walked into the house to see all the guys sitting on the couch like they are heart broken and Brian looking at Sal like he wants to kill him.

"Hey guys, whats going on?" I ask, confused.

"Babe i'm so sorry, i can't believe i did this to you, i wasn't thinking and i was drunk i love you and only you please you have to forgive me" Sal says sadly and innocently as i look at him confused. He comes up to me and tries to hug me, but i pull away.

"What are you talking about Sal? What did u do?" I ask.

"Have you checked his Instagram at all today?" Brian asks.


I was super confused so i pulled out my phone and click on the Instagram app. I went to his profile and I scrolled through the pictures and i found one of him kissing another girl and it's not just any girl it's my best friend Dylan.

"Sal are you serious? and it is not just any girl it is my fucking best friend you ass!" I yell, tears starting to fall.

"Baby i'm sorry, i was drunk and i wasn't thinking" Sal says, but how could i trust him he hurt me, he lied to me.

"Sal we're done! I trusted you and you lied to me, you said you would never break my heart, but you did you promised and i thought you would always be there for me but you lied i don't wanna see you ever again in my life don't text me call me or anything and if you see me in public ignore me, leave me alone, i hate you and i always will, asshole!" I yell, running upstairs into my room.

Sal's POV -

River just broke up with me.... all those words she just said hurt me so bad. I didn't know what to do, i was in complete shock and i had no words left to say after that she ran upstairs into her room and i heard the door slam shut and i turned around and just cried. I dropped to my knees and cried, the guys came over.

"Sal you two need some time apart from each other, okay? man you will be okay" Joe says rubbing my back.

"No i wont be okay, she was and still is my life my happiness my world my everything! it is all gone now because of me. i ruined not only mine but her life too what did i do why didn't you guys stop me!" I said.

"Sal we walked away from you and found you two kissing outside you saw us  stopped then walked away from us got in your car and drove off and I am happy your still alive after being drunk while driving." Joe said.

My Dads Best Friend *Being Edited*Where stories live. Discover now