Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Aiden spent the next two days so busy he didn't even take the time to notice that Nick was avoiding him as if he had the plague—or at least he didn't take too much time to notice that fact.

Liz had quickly learned that Aiden had no talent for cattle or horses and so he had spent the last two days polishing every single bit of tackle and gear this ranch had to offer. And it was a big ranch.

Saturday dawned bright, warm, sunny and far too early as far as Aiden was concerned. Back home he'd been the type to sleep until half the day was over and stay up far into the night; on a ranch that was a laughable request. It was up with the sun and down shortly after sunset so you could get right back up the next morning and do it all over again.

Aiden rose from his bed and stood up slowly. His backside and legs were aching from squatting down polishing leather so much the last couple of days and his sore shoulders caused his arms to feel as if they weighed a ton. Between running for his life for two months straight and now this dawn to dusk work the last few days, Aiden was wore down and exhausted.

Maybe he could get an easy job today like guarding the rocking chair.... Yeah he could handle that.

"Look alive, Aiden," Wendell teased as he came up beside him and patted him roughly on the back, nearly causing Aiden to fall. Aiden clutched desperately at the wall and glared at the other man, "What's the matter there, kiddo? Are you sore?"

Aiden glanced at Nick who was making up his cot and caught the man's storm gray eyes. Aiden thought maybe he saw concern in them but then the man scowled and looked away and Aiden figured he'd been imagining things.

"I'll live," Aiden replied, hoping he sounded tougher than he felt. 'I think,' he added silently.

"At least we'll be able to head into town tonight," Wendell sighed as he moved to his cot and began to make it up.

"I might head to the saloon and see if your almost wife is working tonight. I could use a bit of company," a ranch hand named Burt called out with a wistful sigh and a chuckle.

Aiden found himself laughing quietly as Wendell leapt across the cots and tackled the other man to the ground, pinning his arms, "You got the guts to say that about my woman again?" Wendell demanded, though the smile on his face kept the threat from being too serious.

Aiden felt himself tremble and he quickly glanced in Nick's direction to find the other man staring at him. He was certain he saw Nick appear almost sheepish before turning quickly away and striding toward the door. Nick was stopped in his tracks by Brody's broad frame entering the bunkhouse.

"Should I come back at a better time?" Brody asked, that Atkinson brow of his rising ever-so-slightly as he looked at Wendell and Burt still rolling around on the floor. The two men jumped to their feet, put a good ten feet of distance between them and began to brush themselves off while blushing and denying vehemently that anything had been going on.

"Alright, most of ya are staying around here today to finish up the branding and work on breaking that mare Thomas brought in. But there's apparently a problem with the fence on the far southeast portion of the summer pasture and I'll need Nick and Aiden to ride on out there and check it out. Take some extra wire with you and fix whatever is wrong."

"I don't need him along," Nick countered. "I'd rather go it alone."

Brody frowned and looked back and forth between Nick and Aiden. Aiden felt as if he were some storefront mannequin on display as every pair of eyes in the bunkhouse landed on him, "Is there something wrong between the two of you that I should know about?" Brody questioned as he stuck his thumbs through his belt loops and rocked back on his heels, "Cuz I ain't got a bit of time for that bullshit. Get your issue sorted out and then get your asses in a saddle and out to the field to check that fence. If any of y'all are hungry Cookies' got some coffee and eggs out here for ya."

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