Chapter 5

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As I start to thrash around on the bed screaming Peeta quickly woke up and tried to comfort me. It was the first bad nightmare I had in a while which caught Peeta off guard. "Shh it's ok" he coos. He strokes my hair until my loud cries turn into small hiccups. "All better?" He asks. I don't say anything I just nod my head. He lays my back down and starts to try to get me to talk. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. I look up at him again and nod my head again but this time burying my head into his chest. "It was about all the friends we lost in the war." I state. "It was all my fault Peeta I killed so many innocent people.." Peeta cuts me off. "Don't you say it was your fault. If anything you gave everyone the chance to live in a free world where they didn't have to be afraid to send their kids off into the Hunger Games. Everyone who died died to give us that Katniss. They wanted to fight to change Panem forever." I don't say much after Peeta said that, I just pulled him into a kiss and laid on his chest till I fell back asleep.
By the time I wake up I can see that Peeta left to go to the bakery for work. I get up and decided I need some girls time with Annie and Johanna. When I got both of them together with me they could tell something was wrong. "Katniss what's wrong?" Annie asks while putting her arm around me. Johanna didn't say anything but you could tell she too was concerned. I explained everything that happened to them and instead of saying anything to me they just gave me a group hug. "It's going to be ok Katniss it was just a rough day yesterday, you're going to have those kind of days." Johanna states. Out of no where I got this terrible pain in my stomach that made me scream out in pain. I fall to the floor clenching onto my stomach. "Katniss, what's wrong what's hurting you?" Annie asks while attempting to pick me up off the ground. I couldn't say anything the only thing I could do was scream in agonizing pain. That's when I blacked out.
"Johanna!" Annie screams "we have to get help!" Johanna runs down the street to where Haymitch lived and started to pound on his door. "Haymitch!" She cried and soon enough he answered the door. "Thanks for giving me a hear..." Johanna cuts him off. "It's Katniss, I don't know what happened she got a terrible pain in her stomach and started screaming in pain! Now she's blacked out and we don't know what to do!" Johanna cried. Before she knew it her and Haymitch got back to Annie's house. "Oh thank god!" Annie says as Haymitch picks Katniss up. "We need to get to the hospital now!" Haymitch ordered.
Peeta's Point Of View
I hear my bakery door swing open. I jog up to the front with my apron on and saying "Mellark bakery." When I reach the front I was not greeted by a costumer but I familiar face... It was Haymitch...
"You need to come quick it's Katniss!" Haymitch screams. I rip my apron off and soon follow Haymitch down to the local hospital. I thank the gods that everything is so close and is walking distance. "Haymitch what's wrong with her!" I cry out. "She had pains in her stomach and blacked out" Haymitch stated. I've never ran so fast in my life. I needed to make sure both my wife and our unborn child were ok.
As I run into the hospital room I can see Katniss laying in the bed with an oxygen mask over her face. She was awake but couldn't talk to me. I run over to her bedside and grasp her in a hug and kissed her forehead. " It's ok" I say trying to calm her nerves down. "The doctors here are going to take great care of you." Before I could say anything else I'm greeted by the doctor. "Good afternoon Mr.Mellark." He says as he shakes my hand. "Doctor is she going to be ok? Is our child going to be ok?" I ask with tears in my eyes. "It seems Katniss had suffered from over stress and anxiety to the point where she caused herself to have a panic attack and blackout. She will be fine but I would like to keep her in here for a few days just so she can get some liquids in her and just so she can calm down." "What about our baby?" I blurt out. "Ah yes she is fine nothing to worry about." He states "She?" I ask in confusion because we didn't know the gender of our child. "Oh sorry I bet you're thinking I know the gender but I don't I just simply called the baby that." He laughs. "Man giving me two heart attacks in a day sir." I laugh with him as he leaves the room. I look down at Katniss and stroked her hair. "I'm so sorry hunny." I state with tears in my eyes. " I gave you all this stress when we fought yesterday. It's all my fault I'm sorry." I cry to her. With tears in her eyes too she just shook her head at me and wiped my tears away from my cheeks. I can't believe I caused my wife and our 6 month child so much pain.

Pack filled chapter hoped you enjoyed! More to come in a few days!

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