Chapter 14

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Katniss' POV
"Aww she's so cute!" Prim says as she sits next to me. "Mom isn't she just perfect!" Prim squeals. "Dad look at her eyes they are just like Peeta's!"
I jump up from my hospital bed alarming Peeta. "It's ok." I state. "It was just a dream." A tear falls from my eyes and that's when Peeta climbed into the hospital bed with me. "A nightmare?" He asked. "No." I state. "It was about Prim freaking out about Willow to my mom and dad." I laugh. Peeta wraps his strong arms around me. "Prim and your father are going crazy over her in heaven with my family." Peeta smiles. "Just try to get some sleep." Peeta says.
"What a beautiful bread baby." Haymitch laughs as he walks to Willow's hospital crib. Before I knew it all of our family and friends were soon in our hospital room. Annie and Finn, Johanna, Alder, and Luna, my mother, and Effie. Everyone was awing over her. "What's this little angle's name?" Johanna asks tickling her. "Willow Primrose Mellark." I smile. "What a beautiful name!" I says giving her googly eyes. "This baby is going to be loved by everyone." Peeta whispers in my ear. I just smile and watch our baby being passed around.
Today's the day. We're finally going home. Peeta already packed most of our stuff and brought it home. I swaddle Willow in her blanket and gently put her in her baby carrier. That's when I feel someone grab at my waist. "You're so beautiful." Peeta whispers as he kisses my neck. "And you're so handsome." I smile as I kiss his soft lips. "You ready to go home?" He asks. I nod and he picks up Willow's carrier and we walk out of the hospital hand in hand.
I was awaken by the cries of Willow. I groan and look at the clock. It read 2:15am. I take off my cover and walk into Willow's room. "Aww baby." I say as I pick her up. "Did you have a nightmare?" I ask bobbing her around. "I get them too sometimes. They're quit scary but do you know how I get through them?" I ask again with a smile. "I make a list in my head of all the good I've seen someone do. It gets a little tedious after a while but they're are much worse games to play." I state. I rock her in the rocking chair and start to sing the Valley Song.
"Deep in the meadow."
"Under the Willow."
"A bed of grass, a soft green pillow."
"Lay down your head and close you eyes."
"And when the open the sun will rise."
"Here it's safe."
"Here it's warm."
"Here the daisies guard you from every harm.
"Here your dreams are sweet."
"And tomorrow bring them true."
"Here is the place where I love you."
I lay her down in her crib and I turn my head. Peeta was in the doorway with the biggest smile on his face. "I hope she sings like you." His whispers as I hug him. "Let's go to bed." He states as he picks me up.

"Together?" "Together." (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ