Chapter 28

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Katniss' POV
I was perfectly asleep until I hear the cries of Rye from his bedroom. I groan and roll over to my side deciding if I should get up. "I could go calm him down." Peeta says sleepily. "No you have to work tomorrow I'll get him." I groan as I make my way to my feet. I slowly walk towards the room when I hear someone talking to Rye. It was Willow. "It's ok Rye." Willow says. "It was just a nightmare. Everyone gets them even me." She says as she lifts Rye out of his crib. "Mommy told me a way of how to get rid of them." She smiles. "You make a list in your head of all the good you've seen someone do. Mommy says it's like a game and she told me she plays it over and over again every time she has a nightmare. I play it sometimes too but since you're so small you probably haven't seen a lot." Willow smiles. "It'll probably get so boring after a while but mommy says there's much worse games to play. I don't really understand what she means but when I'm older she'll tell me." Willow states. Try to get some sleep." Willow finally says before singing him the Valley Song.
"Deep in the meadow. Under the willow."
"A bed of grass, a soft green pillow."
"Lay down your head, and close your eyes."
"And when they open, the sun will rise."
"Here it's safe, here it's warm."
"Here the daisies guard, you from every harm.
"Here your dreams are sweet."
"And tomorrow brings them true."
"Here is the place where I love you."

Tears started to form in my eyes as I walk into the room. "Little duck what are you doing up?" I ask as I help her set Rye back in his crib. "I heard him cry." Willow starts. "I just wanted to make sure he was ok." She states. "You are such a good sister." I say rubbing her head. "Come on now little duck it's time for bed." I say guiding her to her room. I tuck her in and kiss her head good night. I walk back to Peeta and I's room and walk into the bathroom. I splash my face with water and suddenly feel someone's strong arms around me. It was Peeta.
"That took awfully long." He states. "Was everything ok?" Peeta asks. "Yeah I was just distracted when I saw Willow in Rye's room." I state. "Why was she in there?" Peeta asks. "She actually calmed him down." I start to say. "She told him about the game I play when I get my nightmares." I say with tears rolling down my cheeks. "She then sang him back to sleep." I choke. This made me so emotional seeing Willow so happy about her baby brother and wanting to protect him. Peeta just smiled and hugged me. He wiped my tears away and carried me back to bed. "She's a lot like you." Peeta says with his charming smile. "No Peeta, she exactly you. She has a caring heart like you." I smile. "Yeah but she worries about Rye as much as you worried about Prim." Peeta says which made my heart drop. "Oh shit." Peeta says. "I'm sorry Katniss I know how sensitive you are about..." I cut him off with a kiss. "Just go to bed Mellark." I laugh. "You have a busy day tomorrow." I finally say.

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