Chapter 15

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5 year time jump

"Mommy, daddy get up!" Willow says while jumping on our bed. "First day of school!" She screams. I groan and roll to the side where Peeta was laying. "Mommy please I want you to put my hair in two braids like you always do." She says. I roll my eyes and Peeta laughs. "Ok just for you." I say as I lift the covers up. Willow then pulls me into her room where I braided her hair. "Mommy is school scary?" She asks. "No not at all." I state. "You'll make so many new friends and maybe you'll see Finn when you switch classes." "Will Finn be in my classes?" She asks. "No sweetheart, he's with the 10/11 year olds you're only 5." I state as I finish her hair. Willow looks at me and hugs me. "I love you mommy." She says. "I love you too little duck." I reply back with a kiss on her head.
We finally arrive to the front of the school. We walk in and are greeted by the front desk lady. "Good morning! Are you here to drop off?" She asks. I start to stutter but that's when Peeta started to talk. "Yes, we're here to drop our daughter off for her first day of kindergarten." Peeta states with a smile. He's always been good with his words and knows how to handle a situation that's too stressful for me. The lady in the front waves Willow over and she hugs both Peeta and I. "It's ok mommy I'll be fine. I'll be brave like you!" She says with a smile. "We'll be here waiting for you after school." Peeta says as he picks her up and kisses her. Willow runs to the lady and before we knew it she was in her class. "Our little girls is so grown up." Peeta says as he grabs my hand. I just nod and wipe away some of the tears that are forming in my eyes.
When Peeta and I got home it was very quiet. Something we weren't really use to since Willow was born. "Soooo what do you want to do now." Peeta says as he kisses my neck. I laugh and look at him. "Peeta is there something you want to do?" I smirk as I kiss his lips. "Well." He states. "I mean we are all alone and Willow won't be here till 3:00 so you know maybe..." I cut him off with another kiss but it was different then the first one I gave him. This one was more passionate. As you would have expected it, things went crazy from there but I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything in the whole world. This is what a life of a victor must be about. This is what I need.
Peeta finally breaks away from me which leaves us just laying in bed in each other's arms. "That never gets old." Peeta smiles as he kisses my head. "You never make it old." I laugh kissing his lips. We just laid there in silence until I hear Peeta humming the Hanging Tree. It shocked me at first because the only time he really heard it was when he was in the capitol. "Peeta?" I say as I lay up from his chest. "Yeah?" He asked confused. "How do you remember that song?" I ask him. "It was the last thing I remember before being injected by the tracker jacker venom." He states. "It was when I found out that you were still alive." He says. "Oh Peeta." I say as I start to tear up. Peeta sits up to comfort me but that's when I totally lost it. All the memories came running back to my head. Rue, Prim, Mags, Finnick, Cinna, they all filled my head. "It's all my fault." I say under my breath. "Katniss it's ok." Peeta says as he tries to comfort me. Before I knew it I got up, dressed, and was soon out of the house before I knew what was happening. I just left I couldn't handle breaking down in front of Peeta. I just left him laying on our bed.

Peeta's POV
"Daddy!" Willow says as she embraces me in a hug. "Hey sweetheart how was your first day?" I ask. "Perfect daddy I made so many new friends." She states. "Where's mommy?" I set her down from our hug and grabbed her hand. "Daddy you didn't answer me. Where's mommy?" She asked. "She um.. had to go out and run a few errands. How would you like to spend the night at Uncle Haymitch and Aunty Effie's house." I ask her trying to change the topic. "Yay! I would love too." She squeals as we get up the Haymitch's steps. I knock on the door and Effie opens it. "Oh hello my sweetest child." She says as she hugs Willow. "Alright Willow Uncle Haymitch and Aunty Effie will be taking you to school tomorrow ok? You be good now. I love you." I say kissing her head. "Love you too daddy!" She replies.
"Katniss?" I scream as I walk through the woods. I've looked all over town and I couldn't find her so I decided to come look in the woods. "Katniss please it's Peeta." I scream again hoping for a response. I make my way from the woods to the riverbank where I let out a sigh of relief. "Katniss there you are." I sigh. I sit down next to her and pull her into my arms. "Are you ok?" I ask her. "Yeah I am now." She says as she climbs into my lap. "Peeta I've caused Panem so much pain." She tells me. I lift up her chin and made eye contact with her. "Katniss, you gave Panem something they wanted for the longest time. No more Hunger Game. Parents we scared to send their kids off to fight to the death but we had no choice. You sparked something when you volunteered for Prim you made people have hope. Everyone who died in the war died because they wanted to help you change Panem forever. They all wanted peace. And you gave that to them Katniss." I say as run my hands through her hair. "I love you Peeta." She says. "I love you too." I say back with a kiss.

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