Chapter 19

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Katniss' POV
I lay in a capitols hospital bed waiting for any news. I've been waiting for almost five hours and still have no answers to why all of a sudden I'm so sick. Im almost positive that I just have the stomach bug but Peeta wanted to make sure that it wasn't serious. Peeta is asleep and I hope he stays asleep. Every time I'm sick he gets himself all worked up and stressed out. I have the same sick feeling in my stomach and make my way to the bathroom to throw up. I try my hardest not to wake Peeta but it doesn't work. He runs to my side and holds my hair up while rubbing my back. "You're ok." He says sweetly. I try to make myself stand up but I was no use I got sick again which turned ten times worse then the previous one. I groan in pain as I continue to heave up the rest of the stuff in my stomach. Peeta cleans me up and carries me back to the bed. "Peeta it's been five damn hours." I groan. "When are we going to get some answers?" I say. "Hopefully soon." He says placing a damp cloth on my head. "You should try to get some sleep ok?" He tells me. "I'll let you know when the doctor comes in." He states. I didn't argue with Peeta I was too tired and too weak to do anything. I just closed my eyes and tried to get some rest.

Peeta's POV
Eventually the doctors came in and started to run a few tests for Katniss. My poor baby was as sick as a dog and these capitol people had no sense of urgency to get us the answer to what was wrong with her. They hooked Katniss up to the monitor and began to put in some IV's to stop her nausea and get some fluids into her. We waited another whopping three hours to get her test results back in. The doctor makes his way into the room to deliver what was wrong with Katniss. "Well Mrs.Mellark there's really nothing to worry about all your tests came back negative for bacterial diseases but only one test came back positive." He states. Both mine and Katniss' eye widen. I started to think of the worse. "What is it?" Katniss groans to the doctor. "The tests confirmed your pregnancy! Congratulations!" He smiles. "Her pregnancy?" I ask. "Yes! You'll be expecting a little baby this February!" I was in total shock there was no way Katniss could be pregnant again. I shake the doctor's hand and he walks out of the room. I look towards Katniss to see if she's upset but instead of a frown she has the brightest smile on her face. "We're having another toast baby." She laughs as she pulls me into a hug. My life was once again changed by the announcement of our unborn child.

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