Chapter 9

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Peeta's POV
I woke up super early this morning because today was the surprise baby shower that I planned for Katniss. All of her love ones and friends are going to be here to celebrate our little dandelion! I will not be attending since it's mostly for girls but man am I sure excited to see Katniss' reaction when we surprise her.
I get ready and leave a note for Katniss stating that I went to the bakery early today to finish a project and that I'll be home soon. I walk out of the house and go down the street to Mrs.Everdeen's house. I knock on the door and open it. "Good morning mom how are things coming along?" I ask her making my way to hug her. "It's going to be perfect! I can't wait!" She excitedly said. "Great! I was just checking in just to make sure you were fine! I'm going down to the bakery now to finish the cake and cookies. I'll be back in about an hour." I say as I walk towards the door. As I open it I can see Johanna, Luna, Annie, and Finn standing in the door way. "Good morning ladies." I say with a smile. "Where you running off to so fast lover boy?" Johanna laughs. "Just getting everything from the bakery." I say. "Oh mommy can I please go with uncle Peeta pleaseeeeee!" Finn says as she gives Annie the puppy dog eyes. Annie looks at me and down at Finn. "Only if he wants you too." She says with a smile. "Can I uncle Peeta?" Finn asks. "Of course!" I say rubbing his head. "I'll need some strong muscles to help me carry everything!"
I put the final touches on the cake and put it in the cake box. Finn stands on a stool and watches me. "Can you teach me how to bake?" Finn asks. "I don't see why not." I smile. "Hey buddy, could you grab the two boxes of cookies over on the counter?" I ask. "Yeah!" Finn says as he runs to the front of the store. I grab the cake and make my way to meet Finn in the front of the store. "You ready to go?" I ask Finn. "I'm ready Freddie!" He laughs as we both make our way back to Mrs.Everdeen's.
I open the door once again and see everything decorated with balloons, streamers, and baby items. "Woah you ladies can stuff done in a hour." I laugh as me and Finn set down the cake and cookies. "Peeta Mellark when will the star be coming." Effie says as she hugs me. "We have a fun filled schedule!" "I'll go get her right now if you guys are ready. I'll get her and be back within 30 minutes so don't make a sound till I get back." I say as I walk out of the house.
Katniss' POV

I wake up to see that Peeta isn't by my side. "He probably went to the bakery early." I groan as I get up and take a shower. While I was in there I hear the front door open. It must be Peeta. "Katniss are you up?" I hear Peeta say as he makes his way towards the bed room. "Yes." I scream over the shower. Once I was done and dressed I walked out of the bathroom and was created by Peeta. "Good morning beautiful." He says as he kisses my neck. "And good morning to you dandelion." He says as kisses my stomach. Peeta is going to be such a good father. "You want to go down to your mothers?" He asks with a smile. I nod my head and he grabs my hand as we walk down the stairs. On the walk there the baby kicks which causes me to groan. Peeta turns his head quickly and starts to semi panic. "Are you ok?" He says with a scared look. "Yes I'm fine." I laugh. "The baby is just kicking." I smile as I put Peeta's hand on my stomach. He doesn't say anything he just has the brightest smile.
We get to my mothers and Peeta slowly opens the door. When it is finally open I am greater by the best surprise ever. "SURPRISE!" Everyone screams as the rush towards me hugging me. "Happy baby shower." Peeta says as he kisses my head. "I'll be out with the boys call me if you need anything ok?" He says. "Ok." I smile as I kiss his lips. Peeta walks out the door and that's when the party started.
The party was truly amazing. I'm so grateful I have amazing friends and family who love me so much. We all where sitting down eating the delicious cake Peeta made when everyone started pulling out presents. "Oh my, you guys didn't have to." I say as I set down the cake. "We figured you needed some supplies for the little toast baby." Effie laughs as she hands me all the presents from everyone. I got a bouncer from Effie, baby cloths from my mom, 3 blankets from Annie which she sowed herself, and I nightlight from Johanna. "Thank you all so much." I say with a tear in my eye. "I love you all." I say as I hug everyone.
Peeta's POV

"So how's Katniss been?" Alder asks. "She's been ok." I state. "A few mood swings here or there but nothing too serious." I grab a can of beer when I get a phone call from Katniss' mom. "Hello?" "Hello Peeta it's mom, I was just calling to tell you the party is over and Katniss is asleep on my couch." She laughs. "I'll be over soon to come and get her." I laugh as I hang up the phone. "I gotta go Katniss is asleep at Mrs.Everdeen's." I say as I hug Alder and Haymitch. "Take care of my sweetheart you hear me." Haymitch says as I leave.
When I get to Mrs.Everdeen's house I see Katniss passed out on the couch. I pick her up and slowly walk back to our house. I walk up to the bedroom where I set her down. I smile and kiss her head before heading to the baby's room to finish it up. "This baby is going to be here soon." I say to myself as I walk to the nursery.

Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying the series. I'll be writing more later.

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