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Hello my lovelies, long time no see:)) sorry I've been very, very, very inactive lately. I broke the tip of my finger and had two tears in my nailbed that needed to be fixed with surgery. They removed half of my nail and put a pin directly into my finger, ouch:(( at first they put me in a soft caste that practically was like a wrist cast which I thought was a little dramatic for just a finger but anyways, I couldn't type with my thumb so I couldn't write my stories:(( after they took my soft cast off they made this plastic hard brace for me that still went up to my wrist so I couldn't type in that either:(( but now I got it off I'll be able to write again, yay:)) I've started a new story today called "I Need You" which of course it's about the Hunger Games!! The story takes place after Katniss was saved from the Quarter Quell but the plot twist is that Katniss is 3 months pregnant with Peeta's child. Ohhhh I know it sounds so interesting right!! Here's the description

"Where is he." I ask looking at Haymitch.

"He still has his tracker in him, him and Johanna are in the capitol."

I've never hated someone this much before. How could he leave him, he promised. I blew up the arena in the 75th Quarter Quell and it cost Peeta being taken by the capitol. I need him, like I said in the games. I need him even more since I'm pregnant with his child. How am I ever going to survive without him next to me. I need to get him out, I need to save him.

Sounds good right? Check it out! Only one chapter is done but more will come:)) thank you all for the love and support, love you all!!

Xoxo Maddi

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