Chapter 16

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Katniss' POV
"Alright Willow what's 10 + 10?" I ask my five year old daughter as we work on homework. "That's easy mommy, it's 20!" She smiles confidently. "That's right!" I say as I hug her. "You're so smart little duck." I smile. Willow continues to work on her homework that's when I hear a knock on our door. I slowly get up and answer the door. "Sweetheart did you get anything in the mail from the capitol?" Haymitch says immediately when I opened the door. "Umm yeah I did I didn't open it though I was waiting for Peeta." I say. "Well it's pretty much a letter stating they want me, your family, Johanna's family, and Annie's family to come on a special interview for the anniversary of the war ending." Haymitch states. My eyes widen. "A.. a interview?" I stutter. "Yes sweetheart." Haymitch frowns. I look towards the kitchen where I see Willow still working on her homework. "Willow knows nothing about the war though." I say shaking. "Can I talk to you outside?" Haymitch asked as he looks at Willow. I nod my head and close the door. "Why did I need to close the door?" I ask him. "Listen your daughter knows more then a five year old and has an idea about the war." He starts. "Haymitch did you tell her anything?!" I snap at him. "Of course I didn't." He snarls. "She's special Katniss. She's more advanced then all the other kids." I start to shake. "Listen she knows nothing about the Hunger Games. She just knows there was a war that allowed us to live like we are today." He says. "Haymitch I'm scared to take her there. I don't want her to think we are monsters." I tear up. "Sweetheart she won't think that." Haymitch comforts me. "If you want when you and Peeta go on stage she could stay with me." Haymitch states. "Ok.." I say.
"Willow it's time for bed!" I scream down to my daughter who's watching tv. She waddles up the steps and climbs into her bed. I sing her the Valley Song and I was about to leave but she started to talk to me. "Mommy can I ask you something?" "Of course little duck. What is it?" "Who's all the people on my wall." She asks while pointing to our family and friends. "Well that's just some family and friends." I smile at her while she's still examining the wall. "Can I know their names?" Willow asks. "Absolutely." I smile. I start off with mine and Peeta's family. "Well this is my father, your grandfather. He died in a mining accident when I was a little girl and the girl right beside him is my sister, your auntie Prim. She was an amazing medic and was helping a lot of people during the war but sadly she died when bombs were released from the sky killing a lot of medics and capitol people." I start to tear up but I continue to talk. "This is daddy's family." I state. "Here are both your grandfather and grandmother from daddy's side and your two uncles. They died during the war just like auntie Prim. Bombs were released from the capitol that destroyed most of district 12. And these two" I say while pointing to Finnick and Mags. "These are me and daddy's friends Finnick is Finn's dad." I state. "He too was sadly lost in the war." I frown. "Mommy who's this little girl?" Willow asks pointing to Rue. "That was my friend Rue." I state. "She and mommy we're allies in this scary game called the Hunger Games. That's were me and daddy met. But Rue helped me survive and find daddy. She sadly died when a man from district 1 killed her." I say. "What's the Hunger Games mommy?" Willow asks. I stutter on my words and being to tear up even more. "Well sweetie I think I'll tell you when you're older." I state while rubbing her cheeks. "You wouldn't understand at this age." I state. "Try to sleep now little duck, I love you." I say kissing her head. "I love you too mommy." She replies.

Peeta's POV
Katniss spent a while in Willow's room when I came home. She must've not wanted to go to bed and made Katniss stay with her. I walk upstairs into our bedroom and start to get ready for bed. As I was laying there I notice Katniss walking in with a frown. "What's wrong honey?" I ask as she makes her way to my lap. "Willow asked about all our friends and family." She states as tears slowly flow from her eyes. "Did you tell her?" I ask. "Yes I did but after explaining it to her she asked about the games." She stutters. I didn't say anything else I just held her close to me and tried to cheer her up. The silence is broken when she asked me about going on Ceasers show. "I think we should." I state. "People need to remember." I say. "Peeta I don't know if I'll be able to handle myself." She says to me. "I'll do all the talking." I say. "Just like on the victory tour." I state. "You remember?" She asks me with a smile. "Yeah I do." I smile as we both fall to sleep.

Hey guys sorry for not posting in a while I've been busy trying to get stuff ready for my sophomore year of high school and the new nursing program I got accepted to. I'll be maybe posting 2 more chapters tomorrow so stay tuned!

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