Fumikage X Reader : The Song Of Love

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-"hurg I hate cleaning"
you said with an exasperated expression, today was your turn of cleaning the classroom after lessons. Normally you should be two to do this task, but Fumikage (the one who was supposed to help you) was sick and stayed at home.
You sighed and took a broom. You started to sweep the floor, but after five minutes you look around to be sure you were alone in the classroom. After verifying you were alone you started to sing. You are a good singer, your voice is sweet and relaxing but it is impossible for you to sing in front of people, you are too shy and afraid to be ridiculous.
So you sang with all you have, you sweep with the rhythm of your music, you were about to dance with Mr. Broom but suddenly you ear a noise.
You stopped to sing immediately and you turn your head which was completely red to see Fumikage seated on a desk looking at you.
-" Ow huh s-sorry if I surprise you [Y/N]"
-"Omg Tokoyami h-how long were you here? Y-You weren't supposed to come here today ?? Weren't you sick???" you tried to divert the conversation completely panicked.
-"It's been five minutes I'm here, and I was feeling better this afternoon so I came to not let you do all the clean alone."
-"O-ok then if you want there is a sponge in the cabinet you can clean the blackboard."
At yours words he stood up and made his way to the cabinet. 'Please god make him forget what he heard'
-"I didn't know you were a good singer"
You froze at these words and you turn red again.
-"I don't sing in front of people and I don't sing so good"
-"I understand but you are honestly the best singer I have ever listened"
'Fumikage is always cold with people why is he complimenting me ?'
-"Huh thank you Tokoyami-kun, it's unusual to hear you do compliments" you chuckle a little.
- "I don't compliment you, I just tell the truth."
-"Ahah your truth sounds good to me. You should say what you think more often to the others."
-"I don't have this habit."
You approach him with a big smile.
-"Try to have this habit, come on ! Say honesty what you think about me for training!" He looked at you and sighed.
-"Okey then..." you looked at him with puppy eyes.
-"You are a good singer, I think you are a smart person even if you always act like you're not..."
-"Hey it's good ! I'm proud of you !"
-"... I can continue... You always smell good like vanilla, yourm eyes are always filled with passion..."
'huh wait he is going to far' you started to blush madly.
-"T-tokoyami-kun w-wait y-you--" it was hard to found yours words.
-"And [Y/N] I think... I..." The two of you were very embarrassed and you had a big blush on yours cheeks. But Fumikage was determined to finish his sentence.
-"I think I love you." Your mind turns off at these words, but Fumikage approaches you, takes yours hands and looked at you in the eyes.
- "... Fumikage I--"
-"Oï if you have finished with cleaning you can go home now... What the heck is going on here ?" Aizawa just entered the classroom and looked at us with a strange look.
Fumikage tried to explain the situation .
-"We just finished cleaning we were just saying goodbye to each other sensei."
-"Y-yeah goodbye Tokoyami-kun." you quickly made your way out of the classroom.
You see Fumikage going out of the classroom too but with a sad look.
You approached him before going home.
You kiss him discretly on the cheek.
-"I love you too Fumikage".

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