Neito Monoma X Reader : Rivals

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Request by wtf_fangirl
(This chapter can not be revise by someone after me, so I'm truly sorry for the grammar mistakes.)

-"Ooooooh isn't it (Y/N) from the class 1-a ? You try again to show off because you think you're the best ?"

'omg why is he so stubborn about this stupid competition between our class'

Neito Monoma was a student from the class 1-b. Since the first day of school you had notice him, because he helped you during the entrance exam.
You were thinking about being friends with him but... He definitely hated your class and... You by extention.
But even if his attitude was very naughty, you always tried to understand him and you took his remarks easy.

-"Huh no I just take my plate for the lunch."
-"... I see that" he turned his head and looked away from you with an annoyed look.

After eating you walked to the rooftop, sat down and looked at the sky. You started to be tired and you fell asleep.

Something poked your cheek and made you woke up.
You looked at the guy behind you, it was Neito who seemed particularly annoyed (more than usual in fact).

-"I... I really fall asleep here? Thanks you for waking me up. Did I miss the lessons?"
He sighed but he sat beside you.
-"How pathetic, your teacher has a emergency and your lessons of afternoon have been canceled. But at least you slept about two hours."
-"R-REALLY?!" You cried out of surprise.
-"Yeah... The class 1-a definitely suck."
-"Monoma you can speak badly about me but please don't speak like this about my classmates." He gave you an angry look.
-"But if I didn't search after you after my lessons and found you, you certainly pass the night on this rooftop. No one's of your stupid classmates had judged important to check if you were at home."
-"It's because they think I'm enough autonomous for ruturn at home alone."
-"But you're not." you looked at your feet a little upset about his remarks.
He sat up and took your hand and made your way out of the school.
-"... Even if I hate your class I don't think they are all bad." he said, breaking the silence.
-"What do you mean?"
-"I think you're ok. I know I can be naughty with you. But when earlier I was angry, it wasn't against you, it make me upset to see that your classmates doesn't take care of you."
-"But... It's not them role..."
He blushed a little... It was one of rare time you saw him without his mocking expression.
-"Yes. I know that because actually it seems like it's mine."
-"'s seems to annoyed you so much... You're not obligated to--"
-"Yes it's annoying me. And your behaviors and your words right now are annoying me too."
You stopped walking at these cold words.
-"You hate me that much?" you said with a trembling voice, afraid to his response.
-"You..." he sighed in annoyance again and rubbed these eyes with his hand.
-"Listen (y/N), I don't hate you, I actually admire you. But you and your class are my rivals and that's why I just can't accept my feelings for you."
You froze at these words.
'feelings for me ?'
You took three seconds to get it, but you finally got it.
-"Did you just confess ? "
He became red.
You can't help but laughed.
-"Okey then can I call you my rival-boyfriend?"
He tooked your hand and continued to walked.
-"It's sounds good to me."


OMG 1k of views and almost 100 vote?
Thanks you very much! I prepare a special chapter for the next time for thankes you! It's gonna be looong to write but I'll do it!
And thanks for all your comments, I read them all and they make me laugh and make me happy!

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