Shouto X Reader Soulmates AU : Happiness

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Request by Eri_The_Cutie
Okay this one is going to be a little special because it's an AU which I didn't know before the request sooooo I'll try my best !
(AU Soulmates : Everyone have a Soulmate and a locket or a key, when somebody found his Soulmate who have the right key or the right locket they can see the color (until this, they can't))

You were sitting on a bench in the station. You didn't really wait for the train or something, you just like to watch people here. You like the way they run for their train or the reaction of someone waiting for someone else  when he or she arrives.
You like when people are happy, and you like to watch their evolution. That's why you always watch the same people at the same spot. Can we call that "stalking"?
Maybe but you didn't care it makes you happy.
It is your daily routine : train, school, watching people, train, sleeping.

But it's been a week since you have the feeling that you were observed by someone. Maybe someone spotted you and was pretty mad at your intrusive behavior.
But somewhere... Maybe... Can it be someone like you... Who prefer to watch people in silence than talking to us.
'It's certainly somebody who's mad at me, nobody thinks like a weirdo like me' you thought to yourself while you walked to school.

--The school finished and you walked to the station--

Today you had planned to find your mad stalker and apologizes for your behavior.
So you waited at your usual spot to see who was staring at you.
You were very anxious about it and you were not able to act like usual.
'I can feel I am observed but I can't find the person who is stare at me'
You waited 2 hours. But you hadn't found him and the insistent look was gone.
After this fail you were very sad and frustrated, someone was mad at you and you can't apologize.
You thought about it the entire night and the entire next day.
So you arrived after school at the station... You felt rain starting to fall on you, and you saw people running away from the rain but you didn't care about that. You sat on your bench and waited in the rain, you don't give attention if someone stares at you. You feel bad so you didn't care about the rain you just wanted to be alone.

But you felt a hand on your shoulder.

You looked at the person, it was a boy, he had a calm look and a scorch on his face.
He searched for your hand and took you inside the station, it was pretty late, the station was desert. He looked at you with a quiet worried look and said :

-"Is everything okay?"
-"Huh? I..." you didn't very know what to say, but strangely he looked familiar to you...
He was a person who you watched every day, and his gaze was particularly most familiar to you...
He sighed and continued with his calming look.
-"Sorry I know we... Technically don't know each other and this is not my stuff but you shouldn't rest in the rain like this, you could be sick and catch a cold."
-"I know but... I decide to stay here until I can apologize to somebody"
-"Apologize ? For what ? And to who?"
You looked at your feet a little embarrassed to say that you were kind of a stalker.
-"In fact I watch people here, not to make fun of them or in a creepy way! I just like to see them happy or having a good day. But recently someone caught me and is certainly mad at me for that... I need to apologize to this stranger for my intrusive behavior."
He didn't give an answer during a moment.
'Okay he certainly thinks I'm super weird now. I want a teleportation quirk and go home now please.'
He chuckled and interrupted your thoughts.
-" It's okay I do the same thing with you, and you don't need to apologize for being happy for each other."
'!!!! WAIT HE ! ' you were in shook but you finally got it.
-"Y-y-you!! You were the one who!"
-"Yes." He said simply, with his calm look on you and a smile.
-"And... You only do this with me?"
You can't hide the blush on your cheeks.
-"A-and why?"
He started to blush too.
-"I always saw you discretely looking at me and slowly started to feel weird about it but not in a bad way and you interested me so I did the same thing. It sounds weird but I'm pretty sure it isn't"
He looked so serious about it, you can't help but laugh a little.
You saw him searching after something and took out his key.
You blush madly.
-"I... I'm usually not the type of person who believes in love at first sight. But I really want to try with you."
You took out your locket, both of you were red and shivered a little.
Suddenly his blue and his brown eyes looked at you in shook. Tears falling out of your eyes.

The word was now in colors for both of you, and for the rest of your life, you don't even need the happiness of each other, because you have your own yours.


My hero academia - (various x reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz