Aizawa X Reader : Old Friend

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[This chapter can spoil you the Manga, if you're not yet at the chapter 255 I suggest you to read the manga first!]

Aizawa Shota, also know as the pro hero Eraserhead was an old friend. Not like a childhood friend either, but an old friend.
You remember meeting him at his starts as a pro hero. You worked on a new job, and a villain falls from the sky and broke the ceiling. Eraserhead was fought him, and during the fight, for avoiding to much damage, he had to throw him on the roof... Of the building you were working in...
Your awful boss of that time fired you this day, he assumed it was all your fault for not being enough attentive. Pretty annoyed by this unfairness, as you walked out of the building, you noticed a car...
And HO noooooooo you were soooooo clumsy and??? Looks like that there was nobody around........ And what a coincidence, it was the car of your, now, ex-boss??
You unfortunately (totally intentionally), fell and... By pure hazard....
Sank a un nail into one of his tire...
As you escaped from your perfect crime scene you bumped into the pro hero... Who had seen everything.

At the start of the discussion he seemed to be really annoyed, but as you explain the circumstances dramatically, he started giving up and waved you too leave quickly.
Before leaving you left him a piece of paper

"Here's my number ! If you see any job offer, send them to me, I'm terrible at keeping a job, but I need to eat!"

Since then you oddly still in contact.

If someone asked you now, you weren't gonna lie, you had felt a lot of sympathy for the guy, that's the real reason why you let him this paper with your number, you wanted to be friend with him. But yes, you were not good at keeping jobs too...

You took the habits to invite him some days after his work, for watching movies, prepare together a good meal, and speaking about your respective work day. He usually spend the night here, but on the couch (when this was his first visits you insisted for him to take your bed and you the couch but he always flatly refused).

Another of your habit was to greet him with a huge hug, you were a tactile person! And even if he wasn't he let you do anyway, but he never huged you back. You shouldn't ask too much, that was practically a miracle that he accepted your affection.

Today you sent him a message to come after his work, for doing one of your relax evening !
He didn't answer you back, but you assumed he was busy and he would come anyway.
You had finish your work early today, so you had the time to do shopping and buy the necessary ingredients to make one of your favorite meal.
After shopping you bought a new DVD, there was no more good movies left so you take "The revenge of the Lazer cyber cats 3"... At least you could imagine the reaction of Aizawa in front of this film and you laughed a little.
You finally went back home and everything was in place for the arrival of your favorite lazy man.

You send him a new message "I need
reinforcements in the kitchen!! I need the help of a pro hero to beat these eggs!!" You swear, you had the best sense of humor.

"I think you should go Shota... This was the most exhausting day we had since years..."

"I think it's better for me to stay alone tonight, I'm not in the mood for that kind of stuff today."
Hizashi looked at his friends with sadness. That was the second time he saw Shota in that broken state. Staying alone in that kind of moment was the worst, he knew that.

" Do as you want but if you need anything I'm here, and I'm sure (Y/N) is here too, I know how much they have the capacity to cheer you up."
Hearing your name filled the heart of the cold man with a feeling of comfort, but also with guilt because of his non-response at your messages.
He leaves his friend Hizashi with a sign of goodbye and start walking.

As you looked sadly at your kitchen's clock your stomach keeps inform you that it was time too eat since, at least, two hours.
You wondered where Aizawa was... You send him other messages since earlier but you were afraid of being annoying. It has been a while since you spend an evening with him, and you actually really missed him.
Yes he was a friend but you couldn't lie, you always felt so good and comfortable around him. You could be so natural, it was like he could appreciate you in any of your state.

You really do love him...

As you looked at the cold meal you had prepared alone an hour ago, you heard a knock at your door that you weren't waiting anymore.
You run at your front door and opened it to found an Aizawa soaked by the rain. You let him entered and you approach him for your usual welcome hug. As your arms went around his chest, you felt cold hands on your back, and he pulled you closer. You feel him tighten the embrace between you, as he laid his head on your neck. His sudden behavior made your face turned red. Yes, he was cold because of the rain, but this hug was the warmest hug you shared until now.

You turn your head to looked at him, you noticed the sad look on his face, something bad definitely appended to him today.

"Shota... What appended ? You want to speak about it ?"

After a final sigh he raised his head and looked at you.

"It... It was like he was there again... They used him... For their dirty work... He left us too soon but Hizashi and I just wanted him to rest in peace now..."
As he spoke you could saw tears forming at the corners of his eyes. That was the first time you saw him cry. His voice was broken and it felt like he couldn't speak anymore.

" It's okay you can take the time you need to speak about it, what about I give you a towel and a warm tea. We can speak about it in the couch I believe it's more confortable than the living room." He nodded in response.

As you does what you said, he explain you about Shirakumo and what appended this day. You felt sorry for him.

"I think Hizashi were right, being alone in this kind of situation and keep it all for yourself is the worst...
It's good that you came here, thank you for trusting me enough to speak about all of this."

As he took your hand in his, he smiled at you. His look seemed more calm and soothed.

" I'm glad to have you in my life (Y/N)"
He approached his face to yours and kissed your right cheek. He couldn't help but smile at the blush on your face.

" You know I believe friends rarely kiss each other on the cheeks haha..."

He ran his fingers between yours.
" So maybe we're not really friends"

You smiled and put gently your head on his chest, earing his heart racing at your proximity. As the two of us were exhausted, you felt asleep together on the couch, hands in hands and hearts filled with love.

Good night my old friend.

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