Fumikage X Reader : The Little Bench

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Tokoyami Fumikage...

These two simple words never failed to make your heart race...

He doesn't know, but, you always spent a lot of time thinking about him...

You didn't have a quirk like his, you weren't very strong, in fact watching heroes and believing in them was all you could do.

U.A was a a great school, even for the ones who didn't came here to become heroes. Students were in different class depending to their section,so you could not spend the time you wish to spend with him.

You meet him the first time when he was eating alone, you two spoke this time about how were your classmates and you teachers. It seems like the two of you didn't find yet your marks. Two lost souls on a bench, that's how you would describe yourself this time.

Until then, the two of you sometimes meet on that bench. But recently he was very occupied by his internships and exams, you really missed him.

You were that kind of person who didn't understood very well how to act 'normally'... You tried your best to understand what you should say loud and what you should kept for yourself. Or how what is a joke and what is not, and you were very not confident when it comes to understand you relationships with the others...

At the start of the school year, you had real difficulties to integrate in your class group because of that. But now, you had made some good friends, it wasn't a problem anymore.

Today, you had planned to eat with your friends, but you saw your favorite bird boy by the window, sitting on the bench!
You happily get outside to see him!
As you arrived, you noticed that some people you didn't knew were sitting with him. Understanding he had made friends too made your heart warmed!
He finally noticed you when you stood near the bench (little know he already noticed you since you saw him by the window).

"Hey Fumikage, it's been a while!"

"Hi (Y/N), I present to you my classmates, here's Mezou Shouji and Mashirao Ojiro" he was talking with a calm tone as the others waved hello.

"Can I eat with you?"
Fumikage looked at you and give you a smile that was saying you were welcomed.

Ojiro and Shouji were pretty surprised seeing their friend actually smile that easily.

"So (Y/N) are you a close friend of Fumikage? I've never seen you before?" Said the blonde haired one. The 'close' addiction had made Fumikage blushed, you didn't noticed it but the two comrades didn't miss it.

"Yes, we're friends! We spent time during the lunch break, but it's been a while since I saw him" as you spoke you smiled sweetly at him. He looked away almost immediately, not wanting to blush again.

As the two were chatting with you, you noticed there were not space left for you on the bench. Fumikage noticed it too and started to get up.

"Wait! You were sitting here first, please kept this place, I don't mind sitting on the grass!" You practically forced him to sat down back.

"Why did you bother to sat on grass while you could sit on Fumikage knees?" Ojiro joked, just for seeing the embarrassed face of his friend.

The bird boy hadn't the time to spoke that he felt something on his legs...

The three of them looked at you in shook as you sat on Fumikage legs. The suggestion of the others made sense in your mind and you didn't realize how red you made the face of the boy by your action.

Ojiro and Shouji stood up, saying they should let the two of you alone. You looked confused at Fumikage, with an innocent look.

"Did I do something wrong?"
He sighed, but he couldn't stopped the butterflies he had in his stomach right now.

"I'm sorry I made your friends leave, I didn't think that was something embarrassing...But at least I can have a seat next to you now" You started to get up, a bit ashamed, but you felt a hand gently grabbed your wrist.

"Now that you're there, I guess you can stay here, there's nobody around for thinking it's weird.." you blushed as you finally noticed his red face and you sat down gently on his legs.

"And nobody, except me, can see you red face either!" you chuckled.

"If it's you (Y/N) I don't mind..."


I think I might be cursed,,, I cannot stop making longer chapters than before,,, send help,,,,

Oh! And don't hesitate to propose new suggestions and requests for the next chapters, I'm searching for inspiration! (you can propose characters I've already written about or new ones, don't be shy!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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