I wanna be a Chmerkovskiy

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Jenna's POV
3 days later
"He's so freaking cute !" my sister Jill said before handing me my baby boy. "So how did Tia reacted when she saw him ?" She asked. "Well except the fact that she cried when she saw that my bump disappeared it went good but honestly, I don't think she understand that the baby is coming home with us and that she's not an only child anymore. But why did you wanted to know that ? " , " I just thought that she might've been a bit jealous. You know Feliks is a baby so the attention must be more focused on him from both of you and Val. I'm not saying that you love him more but she didn't got a lot of time from Val since, well you know..." She said. "Yeah, I know..."
She was right. Attyia didn't get 3 years by herself with Val unlike me. In fact, she got an year and a month before I gave birth to Feliks. "Don't worry about it. " I said to my sister.
Few hours later
"Hi Mama !" Attyia said as she entered my room. "Hi baby girl ! Where have you been you're all wet ?" , " Me and Dada went to the waterpark !" , "You did ? That's so fun !" I said before kissing Val. We we're interrupted by Feliks who was crying because he was hungry. I got my boob out and started to breastfeed him. "Don't bite Fe-ix !" Attyia yelled. I started to laugh. "He's not bitting baby ! He's just drinking milk." , " From your booboo ?!" She asked suprised. "Yeah, from my booboo." I answered. "I want some milk too ! " she said trying to clim on the bed. We had to explain to her that only babies could drink out of the mom's booboo and she didn't got why she couldn't have some since we called her baby girl... Then she said that if she couldn't have milk like the baby she didn't wanted to be called a baby. "She got your attitude." Val declared before we started to pack my things.

As soon as we arrived home, Val and Attyia made dinner. Well Val did and Attyia 'helped' and since Feliks was asleep, I decided to catch up on the Bachelor. He really is making the worst decision he ever could. "So stupid..." I whisper to myself. Not long after a 3 years old came running into the living room to tell me that dinner was ready so I got up, grabbed the babysuite and dragged it into the dinning room in case Feliks woke up. After we were done I gave Feliks his dinner and he went right back to sleep. "Why he is always sleeping?" Attyia asked "I wanna pway with him !", "Oh, princess he's too small to play with but when he'll get a little bit bigger I'm sure he'll want to play with you too." She looked at me with sad eyes. "I have an idea though... I'm gonna give you a bath and then we'll watch Moana together, deal ?" she smiled. "Deal !". I walked over to Val. " Babe I'm going to give Attyia a bath, watch the baby." he nodded. I grabbed Attyia by the waist and sat her on my hip before heading upstairs.

While I was washing Attyia's hair, I noticed she was starring at me and she was smiling. "What's wrong baby girl?" I asked. "I look like you !" she answered. "Why are you saying this?" , "When you were at the hostipal (hospital) with Feliks, dada told me that I waa so pretty, just like you !" I smiled. "Well you are prettier than me Attyia Alexis C. Johnson..." I said. "Mama?" she asked. "Yes baby?" , " Why Feliks is J. Smerkovki (Chmerkovskiy) and I'm not?" she asked.  "What do you mean?" , "Feliks' full name is Feliks Mitsell (Mitchell) J. Smerkovski and my full name is Attyia Awexis C. Donson (Johnson). I wanna be a Smerkovki too ! Like dada !" she said. I never realised the fact that we didn't changed Tia's last name. I guess we were too busy with the pregnancy and the wedding preps. "Of course baby girl, but you'll have to ask dada first." I knew Val will agree to this, obviously, but her asking him makes it more personal.

After I was done drying Attyia and we both putted our pajamas on, we walked back downstair and Val was rocking Feliks back to sleep. I grabbed the movie and put it on. "Attyia don't you have something you wanted to ask dada?" I said. Val looked at me confused and handed me Feliks whike Attyia was struggling too climb on his lap. "So what did you wanted to ask me ?" he asked. " Can I be a Smerkovki ? Feliks is and you are too so I want to be one too !" she said. I looked over at Val who was tearing up. "Of course my princess. I love you" he said before kissing her forehead. I smiled at him and started the movie.

At the end of the movie I turn to tell Attyia that it's time to go to bed and to my surprise, Val and her are already sleeping. I let out a giggle before looking back at the little munchink who's asleep in my arms. I whisper to myself. "My little family..."

Being a Chmerkovskiy [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now