Everything is a mess...

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Jenna's POV
I've been having cramps all day and my lower back is killing me. Val left really early this morning and for the cherry on the top, Attyia and Feliks has been arguing and hitting each other all day long. "MAMA ! FELIKS STOLE MY TOY !" I hear Attyia yell from the playroom. I sigh and got up before I heard a 'smack' and Feliks started to cry. I rushed in the room to find Feliks' eye swollen and a bleeding nose. "ATTYIA ALEXIS J. CHMERKOVSKIY." I yelled. She ran to her room and I took care of my baby boy. I looked like a mess, the house looked like a mess, everything looked like a mess. "Feliks, I know it hurts but would you please stop crying?" I begged as if he understood me. I then heard tiny footsteps coming behind me. I turned around to see Attyia. "Attyia go back to your room NOW." I told her. "But mama-", "-There's no but Attyia ! You gave your brother a black eye !" I said, cutting her off. "I'm hungry !" She yelled at me. "Well you'll think about it twice now before hitting your brother ! Go to your room." I added. She didn't flinched. "Attyia, I'm counting to three. One... Two... - " , "UH, YOU'RE THE WORST MOM EVER ! I WISH YOU WOULD'VE LET ME WITH DADA INSTEAD OF BRINGING ME WITH YOU TO NANA'S HOUSE ! I LOVE DADA MORE THAN I LOVE YOU ANYWAYS! WE WOULD'VE BEEN FINE WITHOUT YOU !" She yelled stomping the floor, walking back to her room before shutting the door, hard. I pushed my back against the wall and slowly slid down. Tears started to run down my cheeks. I know I haven't done anything wrong with her, that I raised her right and truly, she didn't meant those things, but deep down it did hurt. It did hurt because in the moments she felt those things. I know I'm not the favorite parent in this house, both my babies prefer their dad and I completely agree with that, he's amazing ! Maybe that's why god sent us another little angel. I heard Val walk in the house and he called my name. I don't answer back, I just keep crying. He appears in my view and I completely loses it. "Jenna baby, what happened ?" He asked concerned. I didn't answered, I just leaned forward and took cover in his arms. He kissed my head and started to play with my hair. I look over his shoulder and see Attyia, crying. "I'm sorry mama..." She says. "It's okay baby girl, come here." I say, opening my arms. She runs into them and I suddenly got a cramps making me drop her to the floor. I look up at Val who now have both Tia and Feliks in his arms and he have a terrified look on his face. I look down at my pants and blood in now covering the floor. My hand are also full of blood. "Jenna, get in the car !" He said frightened. His voice was shaking and my heart was beating so fast. He got both the kids in their car seats and drove to the nearest hospital. All ride long he kept his hand on my bump, I didn't told him but there nothing alive in there anymore. I know I had a miscarriage. And I was right. The doctors told us the same things. I get back in the car and start to cry. Val feel the same pain as I do, I can tell by the look in his eyes. " We had a nursery, we knew she was a girl, we even had a name for her..." I say before cracking up. "Brooklyn Jennifer J. Chmerkovskiy..." Val added. I looked at him as more tears strolled down my cheeks. He started the car and drove back home. I kept looking at my two beautiful children, sleeping in the backseat. Maybe I should've looked at the road instead, because Val clearly didn't. I knew what was happening, it felt just like the first time but much worse. We got hit by a semi trailer. Once again everything was black but I didn't felt the same, what had happened to my babies..?

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