Baby #3?

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Jenna's POV
I woke up this morning conpletely naked, under Val's arm. I putted both of my hand on my belly. "You really think you're pregnant uh?" Val asked which scared me. "I thought you were still asleep..." he smiled at me and kissed the top of my head. "How sure are you about being pregnant ?" , " I don't know Val... I just, felt something happening yesterday... I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that I am pregnant..." , "Don't tell me I'll have to go buy brussel sprouts at 3 in the morning again !" he said laughing. "Maybe not brussel sprouts, with Attyia it was actually avocado, maybe next it'll be pickles !" I let out a giggle and stretched before walking out of the bed, walking directly to the closet. Not long after, Val also went to his closet and got a t-shirt and some shorts out before dressing hisself and then he ran downstairs to make us a breakfast. After putting on a black tank top and some jeans on, I headed downstairs and hugged Val from behind. He then turned around and kissed me. "If you keep distracting me like this, our pancakes gonna burn..." he said before giving me another kiss. "I guess you're giving no other choice than stop uh?" I said before pouting my bottom lip. He then turned around and started to cook back.
"There you go my queen!" He said as he gave me my pancakes already topped with powdered sugar, syrup and berries. "Thanks babe." I said. He sat down next to me with his pancakes covered in Nutella. "You can see who's more healthy between the both of us !" I said laughing. "Shhh..." he said taking a sip of his coffee. I laughed and with my finger I took some Nutella out of his plate. "Heyyyy ! That's mine !" He said. I started to laughed so hard that I snorted. As soon as I did, I stopped to laugh and putted my hand on my face. "Oh god...". I hate to snort ! I find it so embarrassing and Val knows it. "You know that I love your snort right?" He told me. "Yeah, and you know that I hate it ! I sound like a pig..." he pushed a curl to the side of my face and pressed his lips against mine. "I don't care what you say Bug, it's still cute." I smiled.
Not long after we had finished breakfast, I got a text from Linds.

Jennn 😩🖤: Have u tried to rock him to sleep while singing a lullaby ?
Lindslay ❤️: I've been doing this for the past 3 hours ! I'm a nugget....
Lindslay ❤️: *exhausted !!! Stupid autocorrect 😒😒
Jennn 😩🖤: A NUGGET !!  FML I'M CRYING ! 😂😂😂
Lindslay ❤️: FY 😒🖕🏻 When can you come pick him up ?
Jennn 😩🖤: Already ? You gave up quicker than I thought 😕 Now I'll have to give Val some money 😩
Lindslay ❤️: Yea already ! We're not having a baby anytime soon... And why will you have to give Val some money ? What's the point ?? 
Jennn 😩🖤: Maybe... 🙊😂😂
Lindslay ❤️: I hate u 🖕🏻😂
Jennn 😩🖤: 💕💕
Jennn 😩🖤: We'll be there in 15. Get his things ready. TTYL, love u 😘😘
Lindslay ❤️: Love you 2 😘💜

Right after I texted Emma to tell her that we'll be picking up Tia in about an hour.

Jen ❤️: Hi just letting u know that we're gonna be picking up Tia in about an hour.
Em ❤️: Ok, I'll get her ready ! See ya later babe. 😘✌🏼
Jen ❤️: Yupp 💕

"Val, we should stop at the drug store before picking up Feliks." I told him as he stopped as a red light. " Why?" He asked. I looked at him with big eyes. "Pregnancy tests." I said. "Oh yeah, right ! I forgot we had to actually take a test and I assumed you we're pregnant..." he said blushing which made me laugh.
After buying 3 pregnancy test, we headed back to Lindsay's place to pick up our son. When we arrived, he was already set up in his car seat and he was wearing this cute adidas outfit.

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