Family over everything

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Jenna's POV
Based on how I reacted about Attyia, the doctor refused to let me see Val tonight. I was alive but I felt dead. Nothing to hold on to anymore, just Val... I see my mom rush into my room, followed by my dad. I start to cry once again. "Oh baby..." She says, taking me in her arms. "They're gone mom! They're gone ! All three of my precious babies ! Gone ! I'll never hear Feliks' laugh or the funny way Attyia mixed up her words together ! I won't be awaken by them jumping on the bed anymore ! I'll never see their pretty faces ever again ! All of this is gone..! And I'll never get to see Brooklyn's face and become the proudest yet saddest mom when all off them are gone to school ! I won't see them graduate from high school and see them getting married or having kids, because they're gone..." I add out of breath. My mom is hugging me so tight it hurts. "I won't get to hug them like this ever again..."

At the same moment, Maks, Peta, Shai, Eli and baby Ava walked in my room. "Jenna, where's my brother ? Why won't they let me see him ?" Maks asks. I shrugged " I don't know... I want to see him too but they won't let me..." I add. "Why ? You're his fiancée !" He adds. "It's because of how I reacted about Attyia..." , "What happened to her..?" He asks careful. "...She died..." I finally manage to say. The atmosphere in the room drops. "And so did Feliks..." I add. Nobody says a word, the room is dead silent. Even the kids are not saying anything. "Do you still have the baby in your tummy ?" Shai asks. Even if he's only 5 he knew what I just said. I only shake my head as an answer. The silence is interrupted by Peta. "I'm going to see if I can get some info about Val. I'll bring the kids." She says leaving with her three gorgeous kids. This could've been us in about 2 years but life's a bitch... Maks sat down besides me and my parents left to leave us alone.

"I down know how to function anymore Maks." I say. "Just breathing is so hard... I'm alive but I'm still dead on the inside. How am I suppose to live after my life had been sucked out of me ? My little angels... They were everything I was living for and my proudest accomplishment ! How am I supposed to be alright when I don't have a will to live anymore..?" I say crying. Tears drops from my cheeks. "Attyia and I just had a fight maybe an hour before the accident..." I declare. "She told me I was the worst mom ever..." I say trying to hold back the tears. I looked at Maks and I notice he was also crying. "Promise me one thing please..." I asked him. "Anything..." He said. "Tell your kids you love them... Even after an argument or when you're mad at them... It might be the last moment you'll ever share..." I tell him before Peta walks back into the room.

"I've got some news about Val." She says. "The doctors said you can go see him." She says looking at me. I sat down in this stupid wheelchair and a Peta pushed me all the way to the other end of the hall. I didn't say a word, I didn't knew what to say. "I'll be right outside the door if you need me..." , "Thanks Pete." I say as she placed me beside the bed. "Hey babe." I said, taking his hand into mine. "I don't know if you can hear me but I'm still going to tell it to you because I know I won't be able to do it when you'll be awake..." I say. "Babe... Feliks and Attyia didn't made it. Feliks died instantly and Tia died about 2 hours ago... I got a chance to see her..." I take a breath a keep going. "Don't leave me Val... You're the only thing I've got left..." I look at the monitor and at his heart beat line getting more and more flat. "I can't be that selfish... Go join our little angels and please, all of you watch on me and give me the strength to go through it... I don't know how I'll make it otherwise..." I pushed myself up that wheelchair and pressed a kiss against his lips. My legs weren't strong enough to support me so I fell down and hit my head on the floor. I heard the monitor signalling that Val had left us as my vision became more and more dark. For the first time these past hours, I finally smiled. I knew I was joining my family...

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