Brother or Sister ?

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Jenna's POV
Few weeks later
Today we're going to find out if the baby's a girl or a boy and tomorrow's Attyia's Birthday party and Val and I decided to take her to Disney word in Orlando and we will also tell her if we're expecting are boy or a girl.

"Bye, I love you both!" I say to my kids as I see Attyia and Feliks go play with their friends, after we dropped them at the kindergarten. "Come on baby, we'll be late." Val says before kissing the top of my head. I got back in the passenger seat of the car and turned the music on. Here by Alessia Cara started to play and I turned to look at Val, smirking, to find out he already was looking at me. "I can't believe that was 8 years ago..." I said. " Yep, 8 years and the way I feel about you haven't change." He answered grabbing my hand. "You better be still in love with me or something is wrong !" I said smiling. "Thinking about it, my feelings did change, I fell and still fall more and more in love with you at each breath that I take." He said. I smiled at him, a weak smile. "What's wrong baby girl?" He asked. "Nothing, just with all that we've been through—" , "—The best couples are the ones who keeps fighting for each other no matter what happens." He said interrupting me. "I love you Jenna, always did, always will." He said before kissing my hand, still in his. "I love you too..."

"Miss Johnson?" The nurse said which made me stand up. "Room 28" she added. I grabbed my purse and started to walk. I laid down on the bed and lifted my shirt so that my bump was exposed. Val sat down in a chair next to me and took my hand in his. "Are you nervous?" I asked him. "Exited" he answered as another nurse entered the room. "Hello  Miss Johnson, we're just gonna start with a serie of question today. Do you smoke?" , "No" , "Do you drink" , "No" , "Have you ever done drugs ?" , "No" , "Are you sexually active ?" , "I'm pregnant, of course I'm sexually active." I answered confused. "Okay, perfect the doctor won't be long." She said before leaving the room. "Where do she thinks baby come from ?" I asked looking at Val who was laughing. "I don't know but that was hilarious !". Not long after the doctor came in. "Hello there!" He said grabbing a pair of gloves out of the box. "We're gonna start now with the ultrasound, and I've heard that you wanted to know the sex too, am I right ?" Val and I both nodded.  "Perfect." The doctor said before squirting the gel on my bump. I grabbed onto the sheet. "I think I'll never get use to how cold this is..." I said breaking into a smile which also made the doctor laugh. The doctor then proceeded to start the ultrasound.  "So everything seems perfect, the heart beats at the right time, and perfect healthy baby." The gynaecologist said. "So here you can see there's a slit..." she said pointing at the screen. I understood it was a girl but Val didn't and started to get worried. "Is there something wrong ?" He asked which made me laugh. "No babe..." I said laughing hard. "Then what's the slit?" He asked. "Her sex!" I exclaimed. "Her ?" , "Yes Val ! We're expecting a baby girl !" , "Another daddy's girl !" , "Hey, all of our kids are daddy's babies ! Feliks is not even a mama's boy ! So this one will be a mommy' girl !" I said laughing. "We'll see JJ..."

"Mama ! Can I go play outside with Moana ?" Attyia asked. "Sure baby but dinner's almost ready and after we'll give you one of your present." I answered. "But my birthday is tomorrow ?" , "Yes but there might be one you need to open today... or maybe even two !" I answered which made her eyes light up. "Can I open it before dinner then ?" She asked. "Only after baby, one of them is the dessert." I said. She looked confused. "You'll see Tia."

After the dinner
"Okay Mama ! I'm done can we have dessert now ?" Attyia asks me really exited for what's to come. "Hold on Baby girl, we've gotta wait for Feliks." I could tell she was getting impatient "Feliks hurry up!" She yelled at her brother before leaving to go play with her toys.

"Okay Tia ! Feliks is done, you can come open your presents." I said, cleaning the kitchen table. She came in running, Moana behind and she sat down on a chair. "So do you want to start with the wrapped gift or the dessert one?" Val asked. "The wrapped one !" She exclaimed. I place a box in front of her and she tears the wrapper in a second. She opens the box and grab the enveloppe, with the tickets in, who was lying in the bottom of the box. She opens the enveloppe, gets the tickets out and places them on the table. "I think you forgot to place the gift in there mama." She tells me clearly confused. "No baby girl. The tickets are the gift." I answer her. Val take her in his arm and sit down on her chair before sitting her down on his lap. "Princess, for your birthday, mama and I decided to take you somewhere you've been asking to go for so long." He told her. "Somewhere you're going to meet the real life Moana!" I add. " DISNEY !" She yells out of excitement. Val and I both nod. "Now for your second gift, you're going to find out if we're going to bring a little sister or a little brother with us. So you're gonna bite into the cupcake and if it's pink you're gonna have a sister and if it's blue you're gonna have a brother."  I say, sitting Feliks in his high chair, right next to Attyia. Val then put the cupcakes in front of them. "What's the colour ?" I ask them. "It's pink, mama." Attyia answered in between 2 bites. "Does it mean the baby's gonna be a girl or a boy ?" Val asked. She then realized she was going to have a sister. "I'm gonna have a baby sister !" She yelled scaring Feliks. " You're gonna be a big brother to a little girl!. I say tickling his cheek. "What's her name ?" Tia asked. "We don't know yet baby but you can help us decide." I tell her. "We can call her Moana!" She adds "I think we should find another name since the dog's already called Moana." Val says, laughing even though she needs a name. "I don't know but all of your names have meanings so she needs to have a meaning too." I add. "What about Brooklyn ?" Val adds. "It's where I'm from and it's unique." , "Okay, what about her middle name?" I say. "Jennifer !" Attyia yells. "Well your name does come from Jennifer." Val says. "So we all agree on this name ?" I ask. Attyia and Val nod. "So Brooklyn Jennifer J. Chmerkovskiy it is."

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