Chapter 2

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"Jake" I whisper, shaking his shoulder lightly "it's your watch"

His eyes crack open and he blinks rapidly a few times before turning over on his stomach and getting up. He stretches his arms up and cracks his neck and I cringe at the sound. He cracks his knuckles just because he knows I hate the sound and laughs a little but while I glare at him. I shake it off and snuggle under the blankets deeper. I feel the cool night air blast my back as Jake lifts up the blanket to sit next to me. I shiver slightly and he whisper sorry. I just nod cause my bodies already heavy with sleep. He chuckles deeply and lays down next to me, laying my head on his arm. I turn into him and his body heat from hours under the blankets radiates onto me. I smile involuntarily as he wraps his arm around me, making me even warmer.

"Goodnight Thorunn" he whispers by my ear.



"Thorunn" someone whispers hastily. I open my crusty, sleep covered eyes and yawn,


"I think I heard something" Jake whispers.

I jump up next to him and we both shove the thermals into our packs, ready to escape into the shelter of the trees. I shoulder and clasp it on so it won't fall off if we have to run.

"What you think it is?" I ask already knowing what he thinks it is.


"Figures -" I cut off at the sound of approaching helicopter blades.

We dive into the thick underbrush of the forest just as the copter lands in the clearing. Officials in white and working men in black and red stream out of the open side of the chopper. I count at least 15 before they start to mold together and I lose track of who I've counted.

"Scan the area!" One, obviously the go to guy in charge yells to his companions.

I look over at Jake and mouth 'run?' he answers with a shake of his head, no. This slightly rushes the leaves and I hold my breath as the men turn to our hiding place. They look at each other and hesitantly make their way over. I don't breath and wish I could close my eyes but I know that wouldn't help in our survival.

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