Chapter 3

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Every time I blink the men seem closer and closer. I burry deeper into the ground and tug my pack tighter to my clothes. A shoe comes inches from my face and I smell the new leather. I gloved hand reaches down by my shoulder and comes up with Jakes hood. I suck in a breath as Jake fights the guys strong grip.

"Got one sir" he bellows as Jake struggles.

I bit my lip as The Official struts up to the man who holds Jake up. He inspects him likes he's a display case and I glare at them. If looks could kill they'd all be six feet under.

"Who ya think he is?" one questions

"Who knows? put him in the chopper anyways" he says in a charging voice and the worker nods, waking away with Jake throw over his shoulder.

"I got something" another man in black and red yells out by a pine tree.


The one with my blood.

"Blood sample" the man calls out.

"Test it against the other" the white man says

They have another?!

They have another?

They have another.

"Yes sir" he says, running off to more people in white lab coats.

I didn't notice before but they set up a strange contraption beside the copter. The man stuck my blood drop on one side and another tube was on the other. A lady switched the gauges and knobs. It's roars to life and a light below shines green.

"It's a match"

"Thought so, we got her!"

"Scout the area! We got her now!" He yells up to anyone who's listening.

I suck in another breath as shoes rush past me. Someone steps on my hand and I grit my teeth, but he doesn't look down and see me. When I look back into the clearing, only two people in white cloaks are standing around, talking and making sure Jake doesn't move. When their backs are facing me, I check over my shoulder, seeing no one. Then I stand up and move towards a tree. I'm guessing an Oak but in the darkness it's hard to classify. Jake locks eyes on me and strains against the straps holding him down. The couple rush to him, holding him down. I scramble up the branches making as little noise as possible. I chew on my lip some more and they slap on electric handcuffs onto Jake. I hold in a gasp as he slumps over, unconscious.

"Nothing sir" a man calls out.

"You sure?" he asks, letting to of Jake.


"We lost her!" he shouts in frustration and I smile.

"Don't worry sir, we got counts on the area"

'Sir' smirks that looks just plan evil. I glare again and wish my eyes could shoot lasers. His head would be in flames.

"Good good" he says, tilting his chin up to stare at the sky. If I wasn't in a tree near him I'd never hear him ask

"Where are you Torunn"

I know it's a statement not a question. They already know. The sun begins to rise and the twilight burst into flames of red orange and yellow. I smile at the beauty and take a deep breath.

'I'm still alive'

'I'm still alive'

'I'm still alive'

"Pack up, gotta bring this Trouble back to base" sir points to the unconscious Jake.


I climb higher up the tree, wanting a better view of the clearing. The chopper blades start spinning again, drowning all other sound. It pulls up, reaching up to the sunrise. It passes my vantage point. I'm not about to leave Jake hanging there so in a half second decision I vault off the branches. I'm airborne one minute and seemingly weightless and the next I'm crashing into a runner. I clamp on with my hands and feet and hang on tight. My joints turn white and the copter dips to my side with my mass before righting itself. I just hope ill be able to get off.

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