Chapter 6

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"Who you think it is?"

"A girl, genius!"


"I don't know!"

"Keep walking dumbo"


I barely make out this conversation as I'm still semi-unconscious. I hear grunts and groans and shrieks and I feel a swaying motion that can only mean I'm being carried. I've been dropped countless times. I can't open my eyes or move my body but I can feel and hear what's going around me. At first I felt hands holding my wrists and ankles, but after a bit someone argued and now I only feel an arm beneath my knees and one clutching my back, meaning I'm being carried bridal style I suppose. My chin used to be resting against my chest but then someone shoves it against whoever's carrying me. Just as they do I get my senses back and my eyes snap open.

"Ow!" I say jumping out of someone's arms.

With a quick glance around I notice we're still in the forest. They start running towards me and I backtrack, finally reaching a tree and starting to scramble up.

"Get away from me!" I scream as I climb higher an higher, frantic.

They're standing at the base of the tree and arguing of who to go up. When I say 'they' I mean three boys and one girl are on the ground. And when I say 'arguing' I mean the girl and two guys are yelling at each other, their voices elevating to a earsplitting level, while the other rolls his eyes and starts up the tree.

"What do you want?" I shriek as he gets closer to me, I look up and I don't have any more tree to climb without falling to my doom.

He just smirks when he notices too and I look around at the other trees circling the one we're in. The one to our right is much taller and it's branches entangle with the ones I'm sitting in. I gulp and look at the guy making his way up to me. I decide to take a chance with the tree and I scramble over the branches to the other one. Now we're in different trees. He sighs and points me out to his companions. The girl and one guy make their way over and start climbing the tree. I quickly form a plan and wait as the couple get closer to me. Then I jump over to the next tree and wait for the last standing boy to follow. The couple don't even notice I'm out, they're so focused on getting up higher. The boy starts climbing and once he gets 3/4 up the tree I make my way to the one next to it, continuing until five trees are between us.

"Now, what do you want with me?" I shout over to them.

The others look over in astonishment, finally noticing I'm not standing next to them. Well, except the first guy who went up he just stares at me. But he's been doing that since I started my plan.

"The real question is what do you want?" the shortest of all the boys ask.

"Me? I need to get to the fence" I tell them and they go wide eyed and the first guy chuckles.

"Why'd you go back in after you just got out!" The girl screams

"I haven't been in there" Im now confused.

Well more than usual.

"Then how did you get out here?"

"Long story"

"Who are you anyways?"

"Who are you?" I say, not trusting them

The girl speaks up "I'm Georgie, that's Luke, Ty and" she points to the guy starring at me "that's Dec"

"Tell him to stop starring at me, it's creepy" I say and Georgie laughs with Luke and Ty.

"I'm serious dude, stop it, I'm not a masterpiece at a art dealer so stop inspecting me"

He doesn't stop.

"Can he hear me?" I ask, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Yea he can, he's just choosing to ignore your request." Marcus says


"He wants to stare at you" Marcus says and I award him with a very skeptic glare.

"You never mentioned your name" Georgie points out.

"It's not important" I say and begin making my way to other trees.

"Woah woah woah! it is important, you only wouldn't tell us if you had something to hide" I think Luke said it

"And I do so drop it" I shout behind me, deciding to go down the trunk.

When I make it off Georgie, Luke and Marcus are still in their trees but Dec is no where to be seen.

'Whatever not my problem'

I walk backwards, not letting my eyes leave the people in the trees and start moving to the edge of the ring of trees we're in. I flash them a smile and turn around, dashing away from the clearing and the people that tried to break my barrier.

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