Chapter 12

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Something's ripped off my head and light floods my eyes, making me squint. Someone's tapping around repeatedly and the beat seems familiar. Finally my eyes adjust to the light, seeing a man in official uniform pacing in front of the chair I just realized I'm sitting in. My hands are twisted behind my back and my feet are restrained. I cock my brow as the man finally glances at me, smirking.

"Aw your finally awake to the world." He says

"Cut to the chase, what I being interrogated for?" I ask, skeptic.

"Well you did release one of our newest recruits." He states the obvious.

"Hmm, so what you wanna know?"

"You're not playing this right!" He says, almost annoyed.

I smirk at him. Of course I'm not playing the game right, when you're given sucky cards, sometimes you have to cheat. "Anyways, who are you?"

"And official."

"Obviously not the brightest ether, I meant what are officials? You don't have the power of govs, yet your stronger than the cops. Who are the 'uniformed'."

"We're kinda like the govs Tundek." He answer.

"The elves"

"You speak Hungarian?"

"My dad used to receive calls from those he called 'the Tundek' eventually I looked it up."

"Yes well, we do the dirty jobs, they pick up the big mess, making up some story to play along with it."

"So the elves? Getting ready for Santa's party?"

"Would be, except these elves started working for the grinch."

"So that's how you have your own agenda?"

"Of course, what do you think Sector 30's for?"

I'm silent, half thinking about the question, half thinking that this is the worst interrogation ever. He seems satisfied that he's stumped me but then I answer.

"Some sort of army made of kids, kinda a torture device for the children population, won't be in their good graces."

He grumbles annoyed again, making a smug smile shine it's way on my face. I'm right. "You never answered my question, you gonna start the interrogation?"

"Hmm, right, what do you know about you're father's job?"

"He's dead, he doesn't have a job." I answer, obviously.

"What was his job?"

"Don't you already know this?"

"We need another source to back up the evidence."

"Well, I don't really think that's such a good idea." I answer him.

He leans in, close to my face, "There's ways to get you to talk."

I whisper "Not likely." before head butting him so he staggers back. I swing my weight around, causing the chair I'm stapled on to swipe around, knocking out his knees. I see him pull out a knife as he angrily stomps over to me. He slides the tip of the blade across my cheek, pricking my skin and letting a little waterfall of blood run down my cheek like scarlet tears. He holds the knife under my jaw, brushing my tender skin but never cutting it.

"Careful Officer," someone says behind us, "That's my job."

He grumbles, putting away the knife and walking off. The high heels clack until a woman stands before me. She's beautiful, no doubt about it. She has raven black hair and her skin's as clear as paper. Her eyes are the brightest blue I have ever seen, it's slightly creepy actually. Her fake nailed fingers clamp around my chin, pulling up my face to meet hers. She gives me a smirk of pure evil as she whispers in my face.

"Hello Thorunn, so nice to see you again."

And that's where it clicked.

Dad had a co worker that liked him a little too much. She invited herself to dinners, brought him coffee even when he was working at home, all though he still was married to mom. Her name was Jessamine....Jessie....

"Jezebel." She answers like she can read my thoughts.

Yep, that's it.

I glare at her as she clicks back behind me, wheeling around a cart I'm just high enough to see the contents of. Syringes and needles. Sticks and probes. A weird box with wires poking out. All equally scary looking objects.

"Remember, Thorunn, this hurts you WAY more than it hurts me." She jokes with practically the same humor she had when she was dad's 'co worker'.

"What is this, good cop bad cop?"

"Just trying to see what makes you tick." She explains.

"You can use every one of those things on me, you'll never break me. I don't have anything to live for, I could die here and practically no one would care. I'd only give up information for family, and you killed them all." I tell her.

"At least your prepared to die, some can't stomach that."

A/N: Sorry for the late update and again with the short chapter. It's hard to think up stuff for Sector 30 sometimes, I know the general direction I want to go with it, I guess it's just getting there. Anyways I hope you like this chapter!

Thanks for your patience candies!


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