Chapter 14

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Dec left a while ago, leaving me alone to stare at the ceiling. The door now opens, I crane my neck up to watch Jezebel saunter in, a syringe in hand. I groan, momentarily closing my eyes. Her fingers curl around my jaw, holding me in place, just as I feel a prick in my neck, coolness spreading throughout my body. I snap my eyes open, starring at Jezebel from the corner of my vison. She smiles at me and again my eyes close involuntairly and everything vanishes into my memory. 


"Tiya! Tiya! Wake up! We must leave!" 

 "What's going on?" 

"They took you're mother, you must hide!"

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine, leave NOW!" 


"Please Tiya, trust me, i'll be ok, go to Sector 5 and visit your cousins, I'll meet you there in a couple days, don't worry about me, they won't hurt me." 


And I get up from my bed, taking the small backpack in his hands and fleeing through my window.


I wake up, a pounding pain coming from my rib.

'Not Again!"

I peel up my sweaty shirt, revealing yet another huge bandage pulled taunt against my skin. I groan, sitting up and making my way towards the only little door in the cement room. There isn't a doorknob on this side so I shove my shoulder into it. 

It doesn't budge.

And then of course Jezebel walks in, swinging open the door and forcing me back so I fall on my butt. I groan, getting up to my feet just as two of Jezebel's men grab my arms and drag me out of the cement room. They shove me down a unlight passenge, my feet not even touching the floor. They walk down different halls, so many I almost lose track, but slowly I keep growing a mental map. 





Straight forthy-ish paces, Right



Another Left...

And on and on until we reach wherever they were planning on taking me. Jezebel cracks open another door and the men move in, plunking me down in a metal chair. I swear everything here is cement or metal. I glare at them as they exit the room, leaving me starring at the door. Even Jezebel doesn't come in. 

Wow, don't I feel special? 

"We're willing to tell you everything, for a price of course." A voice rings out from the speakers. 

I look ahead of me, seeing a mirror, instantly knowing it's one way glass, and I'm not on the right side. 

"What's your price?" I ask, glarring at whoever is behind that mirror. 

"We need another fencer, another person on the INSIDE, another person to tip the scales in our favor-" 

"Another person like Dec? Another Spy? Another person to tell you all about this so called 'revolution'?" I ask, knowing the answer but just wanting to list them off for what they're really wanting me to do. 

"Whichever way makes you understand what we want from you." 

"And how much are you willing to tell me?" 


"Everything about what?"

"It's more of a about who? type of answer." 

"About who?"

"Your father, why he was killed, what he was planning, even why he changed your name, Tiya.

I practically jump when I hear that name, having long got used to Thorunn, forgetting it's actually my middle name on legal documents. This questions peeks my interest, I've always wondered why we lived in secret, trusted no one, run from any noise or sound. I'd ask why once.... 


My dad pull me and Jake up behind him, glancing at us and bringing a finger to his lips, shhing us. Not that we were making much noise anyways. I nod, trying and failing at giving him a reassuring smile. He moves silently across the ground, his feet barely russling in the underbrush of Sector 6. He says we're trying to make our way across the Sectors, all the way to Sector 30. I don't understand why he wants to go there, don't get how he plans on crossing the crocadile infested waters surounding the island. But for some reason he was set on getting to the little strip of land that labeled our most mysterious Sector. 

Me and Jake trudge silently behind him as he takes some thermal blankets, laying them in a small soft clover patch. He gestures for us to come closer as he tucks us into the warmth. Jake instantly falls asleep, his 10 year old snores filling the air around us. 

"Goodnight Thorunn." He whispers, kissing my forehead. 

"That's not my name daddy, it's Tiya." 

"Sweetheart,  it's safer to call you Thorunn." 

"What's the danger?" 

"Please, Thorunn, never have me answer that question." 

The sadness in his eyes scares me, making me nod quickly. He sighs, leaning his back on a tree and starring at the ground, just contemplating life. I think for a while, starring up at the clear stars in the sky. 

"What are we running from?" I whisper so quietly that I barely hear it. 

But apparently my dad does because his breath hitches in his throat and he answer just as quietl,

"If we get to Sector 30 you'll find your answer."


After that I never asked again, thinking we'd make it here before he'd die, thinking I'd find my answer. 

"And what if I don't take the deal?" 

"We have ways to consquence you, if you so choose." 

A video suddenly projects onto the mirror in front of me, showing a man who was in the same position I'm in, starring at a blank mirror, listening to a voice talk. Once the voice finishes, the man spit on the ground in front of his chair, shouting 'no'. Suddenly he's shaking and you can see direct electricity coming from his side, like a tazer. In seconds it stops and he lays slouched in his chair, obviously dead.

"We want you, dead or alive." 

"Yeah, I guess you have a deal." 

"Great! You'll be released tomorrow into the fencers camp, we promise not to follow you. We will provide you with the needed communication device, and you will call us, never the other way around, so as not to blow your cover. Daily would be preferable but weekly is also alright, just give us the needed information on the revolution that we suspect is going to be taking place shortly." The voice commands. 

I give a fake salute to the mirror, listening to everything he says. 

"Now." I say "I need the answers." 

"With every report, you'll get another piece of information." 

Then the men come in and Jezebel come in, sticking a needle in my neck and dragging me out before I again fall unconsious. 



Hey guys.

So I know I haven't posted anything for Sector 30 in a while, I'm working on like three other stories including a collab book on a different account (linday11) so I've had to write that on a regular basis too. 

Anyways hope this chapter doesn't suck, though I'm not very proud of it. 

Have a amazing day Candies!


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