Chapter 7

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I don't make it far before I feel something clasp around my wrist, tugging me to a stop. I look over and meet Dec's gaze, shrugging off his hand and starting through the trees again. Again I don't make it more than a few steps before he grabs my waist and I'm off the ground.

"Ahhh!" I scream as he throws me over his shoulder. "Put me down! PUT ME DOWN!"

But he doesn't.

I can feel the muscles in his back and arms as I try to wiggle free. I pound against his shirt, but it doesn't seem to do much damage. I scream for him to drop me but he just situates me better on his shoulder and breaks through the clearing.

"Oh Dec, you can't stop carrying her can you?" Luke teases

"Put me down!" I screech again until finally my feet touch the grass.

"What was that for! Seriously I said goodbye! What's wrong with you! I gotta g-" I cut off when Dec holds him hand over my mouth.

I frown under his hand and my eyebrows draw together. I want his hand off me. It makes me feel weird, like I have a ballet dancer performing in my stomach. I bite down on his hand but he doesn't notice and just keeps it there, glaring at me. Finally I just back away from him. I walk into Marcus and when I turn around I give a little


'They're everywhere!'

"What do you guys want?!"

In reply Dec grabs my waist and picks me up bridal style. I cover my face with my hands to hide my blush and try to get out of Dec's hold. He just clutches my back tighter and I give up, leaning away from him.

Yep the ballet turned to tap.

The others chuckle at my uncomfortable state and I sigh in defeat.

"But seriously why do you keep holding her?" Luke asks

Dec shrugs and for the first time he speaks "she's crazy light, plus it funny watching her squirm." He says making me blush more.

I glare at him but hold my mouth shut.

"Touché" Marcus agrees and I kick him.

"Ouch! feisty I like it" he says and I groan in uncomfort.

"Can you please put me down? I won't run away! " I plead, not actually make eye contact with Dec but I can kinda tell he's in charge.

He shakes his head.

"And we're back to silence" I state

And the tap turns back to ballet.

"What do you want with me?" I ask

No answer.

"Where are we going?"

No answer.

"Stop carrying me!"

No answer.

"Ugh! I'm serious! you guys are freaking me out! which doesn't happen a lot"

No answer.

Finally I give up on talking and decide to take action. What would get Dec to drop me? Obviously slight pain has no effect. Shock could possibly work. But would it be enough for him to let me go? if I do something extremely shocking I have a greater chance, but if he doesn't let me go ill have to live with the embarrassment. Ugh! he needs to let to of me!

Ok here starts phase one.

I stare up at Dec for a only a few seconds before he feels my gaze and glances at me. I smile shyly and a unintentional blush creeps on my cheeks. I bit my nail nervously, shifting my small weight in Dec's hold. I lean on his shoulder and go closer to him for the first time. I can feel his body tense beneath me.

'Great it's working!'

I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck and I can feel his heart quicken on my side. I ignore the ballet that skipped tap and went straight to hip hop. My stomach flutters and I understand the feeling of 'butterflies'.

"We're here" Georgie says

"What are you guys doing?" Luke asks

I'm grateful we got 'here' before I had to continue with my phases. I jump out of a slightly tense Dec's arms and look around.

"We're in the middle of the forest, practically where we were before" I point out, gesturing to the trees encasing us.

"It's here somewhere" Marcus mumbles.

"What's here?" I ask, leaning against a tree.

I feel the bark shift under my back and I turn around sharply. Dec grabs my wrist, sending the dancers into a frenzy at his touch. He points at the other side where the 'team' are all doing the walking-down-the-stairs skit into a tree. That, or there's actual stairs there. And the door is a trunk?

What is this Peter Pan?

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