Chapter 13

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It vibrates my body. It shocks my brain. It makes my feet numb, my fingers red. My eyes are bloodshot. The pain can't be described. It rings so loud in my ears I can't hear my own screams. I'm sure the entire island can hear the buzz of electricity running through my body. I grit my teeth together until the pain stops.

I take big gasps for air, taking in as much oxygen as possible before Jezebel decides she's bored and ups the shock or time on the electric chair I'm strapped to. With 4 officals, they switched my seats, snapping the metal cuffs around my wrists as Jezebel started mindlessly playing with the controls. She smirks at me, pointing the little car-key sized control panel in my face, turning up the time of the shock from 30 seconds to a full minute. 

The chair light flicks on blue and I'm screaming all over again. My ears start bleeding and I wouldn't be surprised if my tears were scarlet. I glare at the general direction of Jezebel, not actually being able to see through the pain in my skull. The electricty is like a monster, pulling my libs apart, ripping me to shreds. I don't think I can live through a full minute of this. ]

Suddenly the chair is turned off. 

I look up at Jezebel, a smirk still constant on her face. I take up all the saliva my dry mouth can muster, spitting the blood at her feet. 

And that's all I remember before something is stuck in my neck and my eyes close. 


I wake up with a pounding headache that makes my pulse vibrate through my body. I squint at the bright light, sitting up. 

"Woah, woah, not a good idea." Someone whispers through the bees stuck in my ears. 

A hand is placed firmly but gently on my stomach, easing me back so I'm laying down. I feel a dominant scream of pain in my left rib. Groaning, I move my hand over, to find a large bandage covering my bare skin. Now I sit up quickly, ignoring when someone repeatedly tells me to lay down. I look down at my stomach, seeing a bandage wrapped around my entire rib cage. The buzzing stops in my ears so I hear when the person beside me says,

"The surgery went well." 

"What surgery?" 

He ignores me and I finally turn to him, seeing Dec. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I work here" He says casually.

I quietly nod, trying to take that in. So, he's a spy? For the officals? Who the heck would agree to that? Maybe he didn't agree? He starts undoing the red wrap around my ribs, turning around to get a strip of clean material. I see a jagged line running across my skin, the pinkish tissue showcasing underneath. 

"What surgery?" I ask again.

"The one that gave you that." He points to the open wound, and I look down at it again. Dec flicks my nose, almost childishly. I wince slightly as he works on the dressing of the wound, finally rewraping a new piece of fabric around my rib cage. I groan, laying back down, crossing my arms over my eyes to hide them from the light.

"So, you're like a spy?" I ask

He instantly stiffens, his body riggid, giving me a forced shrug. He glances behind me and I turn around instinctivly. He grabs my shoulders, whiping me around so I don't see what he was starring at. 

"Um..Sure...Look, they're gonna want the same thing from you-" He leans in close to my face, keeping his voice below a whisper "They give you a daily shot medication, it makes you WANT to obey everyone, they use it to their advantage, whenever possible DON'T take it." 

Then he leans back again, saying louder "Need anything to eat?" 

"No." I mumble, pulling my knees up to my chest. 


So now T+J or T+D? 

Bit of a cliff hanger? 

Not sure anyways have a great day lovies!


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